Is archlinux best distro ever created?

is archlinux best distro ever created?

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No, but its non-rolling-release derivatives are.


For a personal PC use it's one of the best.

It's peak mid bell curve

There's still 1 or 2 I haven't tried yet, tho.

For me it's Artix and Gentoo, but yea it's very good.

I want to find something wrong with it but I can't. Systemd is cool. Pacman is cool. The wiki is critical. It's just great, but incidentally. Maybe it was chosen, but it's not future proof is my point.

freebsd has better documentation and better hardware support

your chart made no sense

>0% market share

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BSD kernel having better hardware coverage than Linux kernel? Extra info?


linux has 0% marketshare too. your point? linux has been getting more % because of companies now heavly investing into making your life a living hell.
>steam deck
all aparatus that will hurt you in the long term

It's definitely my favorite.

systemd helped the Linux "ecosystem"

there's no linux ecosystem
everything is fragmented a.f. freebsd is literally just 3 tarballs. all developed in house. half the time my country's debian mirrors give out lmao

1.8% and growing, sweetie

fragmentation leads to the pooling of ideas eventually, at least there's real development taking place besides begging for donations.

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Free products aren't part of the market.

I use void btw

muh marketshare hur dur market market stocks money money oy vey oy vey marketshare
onlyfans probably has a higher marketshare than mpv yet this means nothing because noone cares

No, that would be openSUSE Tumbleweed