/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General

Yet another sus thread

Old Bread: >Local Install Guides
GPU: rentry.org/voldy
CPU: rentry.org/cputard

>AMD Guides
Docker: rentry.org/sdamd
Onnx: rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide
Docker on Arch: rentry.org/amddockerarch

>Krita Plug-Ins

>Cloud Hosted Installs
Colab: colab.research.google.com/drive/1Iy-xW9t1-OQWhb0hNxueGij8phCyluOh
Paperspace: rentry.org/865dy

>SaaS Sites
txt2img: huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion | beta.dreamstudio.ai | dezgo.com | (NSFW) pornpen.ai
img2img: huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Other Guides
Inpainting/Outpainting: rentry.org/drfar
SD upscale: rentry.org/sdupscale
Textual inversion: rentry.org/textard
Training: rentry.org/informal-training-guide

>In-Depth Usage Info
Any Forums wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion
SD Akashic Records: github.com/Maks-s/sd-akashic

>Tools & Resources
Big index: pharmapsychotic.com/tools.html
Artist styles: rentry.org/artists_sd-v1-4 | urania.ai/top-sd-artists | sgreens.notion.site/sgreens/4ca6f4e229e24da6845b6d49e6b08ae7
Prompt sharing: krea.ai/ | lexica.art/
Dataset: rom1504.github.io/clip-retrieval/ | laion-aesthetic.datasette.io/laion-aesthetic-6pls/images

>Finetuned Models

/h/ /hdg/: /vg/ /aids/: /mlp/ /ppp/: Official: discord.gg/stablediffusion
NSFW: discord.gg/2ZhBzDGf8u
Training: discord.gg/xVsyrmhQWS

Stability.ai updates: twitter.com/EMostaque

Attached: sus-04.png (512x512, 468.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 00001-3669777135.png (512x512, 302.09K)


Attached: 00190-2798188758-(((green eyes))), ((nymph)), skinny, thick hair, (((black hair))), dark clothing, fantasy background, highly detailed, detailed .png (512x512, 351.95K)

here are some of my failures tonight. swords are hard man.

Attached: grid-0001-1480865446.png (1536x1024, 2.55M)

Indians aren't human

even the 2ch thread prompts feature greg rutkowski

also holy shit

Attached: file.png (512x512, 514.17K)

"finetuned" models are the death of fun sd.

Attached: 7979.png (512x768, 542.21K)

>*puts flowers in undies* hey user let's fuck

interpolated upscalers from cupscale are still better than SD
wish voldy would add them
the waifu 3000 + ultrasharp make things look freaking real

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-14 204201.jpg (3412x1034, 619.77K)

You should rename these threads to Zoomer Masturbation Pictures General

A toast, to all those who prompt, whose vision shapes the world.

Attached: a toast2.png (512x512, 303.33K)

Attached: 1637223529345.png (384x512, 246.31K)


I'm landscoooping

Attached: download (12).jpg (3840x2160, 3.15M)

Attached: REAL.png (512x512, 352.31K)

me too.

Attached: grid-0004-3338488557.png (1536x1024, 2.51M)

Do any of these allow you to upload a picture and generate other pictures in the same ballpark as the one you uploaded, or do you have to prompt it? I’m not having much luck with img2img at the moment.

adding several embeddings w style and negative comes up w cool stuff too

Attached: 1663182170567-6-4x_RealSR_DF2K_JPEG.50.4x-UltraSharp.50.jpg (2048x2560, 685.43K)

godamn user, that's what I'm heading for. makin me some cozy cabins

based frog toaster

Attached: theres no frog, take your meds.jpg (1024x1024, 326K)

Attached: file.png (512x512, 518.27K)

>Do any of these allow you to upload a picture and generate other pictures in the same ballpark as the one you uploaded
yes, any of the ones with img2img
>I’m not having much luck with img2img

top left looks pretty cool still

what aspect of your prompt is leading to the huge circular formations in the landscape? looks nice

>no chores for 1 week
>pic related my room

Attached: download - 2022-09-13T182436-4x_RealSR_DF2K_JPEG.50.4x-UltraSharp.50.jpg (3072x3072, 3.57M)

>generate other pictures in the same ballpark as the one you uploaded
are you describing the image and using the denoising level? that should be doing it, especially as you increase the denoising.

I followed the cputrad guide and got stuck.
python version 3.8.10
output pasta: hastebin.com/uvibefiwev.swift

It's version mismatch, isn't it?


what a coincidence, i was just doing something similar. can't find the right balance of recognisable + still a cohesive new image though

Attached: 00144-9483975.png (512x512, 372.08K)

nice, post the cabins when they're done

Attached: brrrr.jpg (3072x2048, 3.25M)

shut the fuck up user, meme, image macro, highly detailed, sharp focus, bottom text, ifunny.co, (((in the style of "penn & teller's BULLSHIT!")))

Attached: shut the fuck up anon, meme.png (512x704, 369.89K)

SD upscale is good

Attached: 1663213423577.png (2048x1536, 2.83M)

use variations

Attached: 1663182170567-12-4x_RealSR_DF2K_JPEG.50.4x-UltraSharp.50.jpg (2048x2560, 563.06K)

Attached: 1634045090504.png (384x512, 301.71K)

Bottom right looks amazing

it's in the previous thread. unfortunately there are only four or five prompts and a few of them seem to expect a different model. the very first prompt in the thread is bunny knight girl

This is my gift to you.

Attached: 1663216071421562.jpg (1996x2768, 808.78K)

I don't honestly know, probably my weird list of artists I'm playing with.

((Kentaro Miura)), (Luis Royo), (Gustave Doré), Yoshitaka Amano, (Greg Rutkowski), (Kim Keever), [Hayao Miyazaki], Marc Simonetti

Attached: grid-0001-2592311746.png (1536x1024, 2.8M)

whoever made this, prompt please

Attached: 1663190187087230.png (512x768, 623.94K)

It's almost overwhelming the amount of freedom to generate completely insane landscapes. Actually it is literally overwhelming so have this nice beach, my most crazy inventive output yet

Attached: 00023.jpg (3404x1433, 3.14M)

Attached: t2.png (384x640, 164.74K)


For the people playing with clothing/design of characters, I stumbled on something. If you already knew then ignore me, but sharing with the thread
I was trying to use hex maniac's danbooru tag (using WD+LD merger at 70/30) as part of a prompt to encourage black hairs, but it seems the prompt picks this up also as "hex" as in hexagon or geometry, and often changes up clothing into a strange cyber-esque style with weird geometric shapes. If you're into clothing stylization with the generator, try out some "hex" alike keywords or even hell, try various geometric shapes and see what pops up. It's pretty fun, sometimes it merges weirdly but the end results are almost always interesting with a good prompt.

Attached: 02335-509496543-Michael_Garmash,_art_by_tony_taka,_art_by_yoji_shinkawa,_Loish,_art_by_Loish,_art_by_kentaro_miura,_detailed_face,_pretty_and_sy.png (512x512, 385.7K)


Attached: file.png (512x768, 825.99K)

prompt please

Attached: 1663190598701140.png (512x768, 762.69K)