I hate Jews

I hate Jews.

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As I've gotten older, the sheer audacity of their lies, perpetuated by their media control, has me stunned. The lies about WWII alone are so outrageous, and yet so ubiquitously believed, that it makes me despair just thinking about it.

I'm not a national socialist, I'm a classical liberal and race realist. But the cartoonish depiction of nazis in media pisses me off to no end, and my contempt for the censorious, lying jews who now control Western Civilization makes me realize that the nazis winning WWII would have been better than this.

Socialism can be fixed. What can never be fixed is losing your race and civilization to greedy, demonic, lying jews; jews who flood white nations with sub 90 IQ foreigners and turn us all into serfs with their devious banking practices. It makes me wish the holocaust really did happen the way jewish lies pretend it happened.

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It's 2022, you losers really need to find some other scapegoat to blame all your inadequacies and failures on. This boring 'blame the jews' shit is so fucking last millennium.

We all do.

The only reason I hate them is because American Christians love them because in their mythology the Jews need to control Israel so Jesus can come back and kill everyone

Bruh u make it way too obvious

they dont hate you and work to make the world better for you. hopefully when you grow up youll realise theyre not only everything you aspire to be but everything you should be. peace

not a fan m'self

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It's funny how retards speak like this. Could it be any easier to verify the grossly disproportionate amount of control over media and banking that jews have? Yet to even mention it is to have "you losers need to find some other scapegoat" bullshit from a useful idiot.

Imagine if Tongans owned/controlled over 80% of major media and banking. Yet even mentioning this strange fact, or the ethnocentrism driving their influence on culture, politics and the economies of nations, gets one branded "anti-Tongan" and attacked, even to a loss of livelihood and banishment from all social forums.

Yet that's the world we live in, and you're just another useless idiot in the thrall of their propaganda.

Honestly, it's incredible how people can be transformed into zombies, and how jewish control of culture has done just that. It's horrifying, really, feels like some invasion of body-snatchers stuff.

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“The Jews” in reality are the rich who have forgone all morality. Which is some in every culture, but there’s a tremendous amount of Christians on that list. Have you ever met a jew? Because a world dominating vibe is not what they exude.

We know, white trash. We know.

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I wish we would just start fucking killing these people.

Nothing else causes more trouble for productive nations than a fucking Jew infestation.

2.4% is hardly an infestation

I just looked up three of these, and holy shit, you're actually right. I mean, I did know for a while that they had a great influence on the media.

I suppose a half-assed statement gets a half-assed response.

100% this.

I don’t care about Jews, they are greasy but I just don’t give a fuck. But niggers...

You are not alone in this endeavour.

Their religion buttresses the psychotic, paranoid, racist, power-hungry nature of the jewish billionaire globalists. Just read the Talmud. The wealth of the elite jews is literally beyond calculation, for we can't audit the central banks the monies of people like the Rothchild's is not included on any Forbes list, as people or royal rank or national positions like dictators are not included. (How convenient for them.)

What we do know is that this group, comprising a tiny fraction of the world population, is so instrumental in everything destroying Western Civilization that remove their influence and the West would suddenly find the power to protect and perpetuate itself. The jews are the single biggest destructive force, doing what they always do, lying and deceiving to amass more power for themselves.

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Case in point. The woman in vid related is Ursula Haverbeck. At age 87 she was sentenced to 10 months in jail for "denying the holocaust." She's not the only one who has gone to prison for this, as it is against the law to "deny the holocaust" in many nations.

So merely questioning the official history of these demonic jews, the history that they largely fabricated to buttress their own power, is to be put in prison. Yes, these jewish globalists are tyrants. They are the chosen ones and we are their cattle.


Meanwhile the jewish media, which is essentially all mainstream media, will not report on this grotesque violation of human rights because nobody wishes to run afoul of jewish power.

Instead, we get a thousand articles and news stories of jewish propaganda. Most recently? Conservatives/Trump supporters/white supremacists are "banning" Maus!


You see, it's not that a schoolboard wishes to exclude a comic book about the holocaust because it has nudity and various obscenities in it, which are not allowed for any book they approve, no. These are either witting or unwitting racists! (There is no banning, it is choosing a curriculum for children, just as someone displaced other works to inject 'Maus' into the curriculum. Anyone can easily get Maus and read it, unlike many books the jews try to make difficult or impossible to obtain.)

The jew logic is this: The holocaust is so important that schools should make an exception to their obscenity/nudity rules in order to give children the full, shocking scope of what happened.

Mind you, this same logic could apply to any violent historical event, but Jews demand teaching of their central mythos- which is racially conscious whites on a murderous rampage against them. It must be seared into the minds of children.

Typical Jew Bullshit.

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We know user