What the fuck do we do about homeless bums?

What the fuck do we do about homeless bums?
>net negative for society
>literally lives off of the work and productivity of others while contributing nothing of value to society
>not only do they not contribute nothing of value, they contribute negatively by committing crimes, doing drugs, littering, menacing people, making a mess, shitting and pissing literally in the street and being fucking disgusting people that still think they can participate in society
How do we deal with these assholes so we can be done with them?

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Asylums for all mentally ill, and the cops need to quit selling meth to gangs.

Pay them for raping ypu

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Undo what Ronald Regan and the republicans did. Ronald Regan cut 50% off of the top tax bracket (i'm not talking about half, i'm talking 50% off what they were originally paying) and then cemented more loopholes for the ultra rich and turned our country from the world's #1 money lender to the world's #1 money debter. In that debacle he got rid of the US mental asylums. So ever since then we've had a homeless epidemic where all the states just ship them to the nearest cities.

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>In that debacle he got rid of the US mental asylums
Stuffing people into mental asylums didn't sit well with a large portion of the non-republican population you disingenuous partisanfag.

Convert the homeless people to people with homes. How? Affordable housing could be made possible by reworking city planning regulation. Car-based suburbia was the future 80 years ago. Now it is time to move on.

Not all homeless are drug users or unemployed or insane.

Now we just them in prison or toss them out on the street, instead

>Stuffing people into mental asylums didn't sit well with a large portion of the non-republican population
Neither did dumping them into the streets without adequate social services once they were out of those institutions.

what's crazy to me is homeless people who are just barely able to go to school. like... a degree won't get you out of your car asap, why not make some fucking money first?

Ok, instead of placing the blame on Democrats where it should be, maybe we should instead move forward and figure out what to fucking do with these losers. Labor camp? Mass execution? Harvesting for what few useful organs they might have? Exile them from the country, paying a high price at first to achieve this but ultimately benefitting?

the irony of complaining about something being a net negative to society on Any Forums of all places..

I feel like forcing them out is the only way. Do what we did with the Indians, give them a reservation in the middle of nowhere. Instead of the trail of tears it would be the trail of shared needles though

This is a pretty good idea, or just ending their lives outright. If you cannot provide proof of residence (that isn't government assisted housing), you die.

You're so new it hurts. Any Forums has contributed tons of positive things to society and culture.

Let them die of an OD. End the use of Narcan. Also, if someone wants to off themselves, let them.

I like Ebenezer Scrooge's solutions.
Heck, we don't even need to use much force. Just lay down one long line of coke and they will all snort it to the end.

Legalise drugs. Make them OTC so there's an incentive for people to make money

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95% are, I don't mind getting rid of the 5% who just suck at life

In my town we have a walled off "designated camping area" and if they catch you being a bum they throw you in the camp. It works very well.

I didn't even think about their residency status. Maybe instead of relocation, we could just offer unlimited drugs so they can start to OD. The ones that don't can probably be saved. It could even be dressed up to be some liberal program based on the idea that if they don't have to spend their time stealing for drugs they would have time to pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

I leave dime bags full of rat poison in the public restroom in minecraft

>be so pathetically addicted to a drug that you can't handle something as challenging as a normal adult life
>piss away everything, pride, friends, family, dignity, just so you can do the drug
>be seen as a pathetic, disgusting loser by people, even children are repulsed by you on some subconscious level, still at least you can do your drug and be a junkie loser
>suddenly government legalizes all drugs
>suddenly you become successful, able to function while doing the drug (legally now) and you turn your entire life around in one day
You are a complete and total tard. Legalizing all drugs might be the most retarded thing I have ever heard.

It's a lot more than 5% that just suck at life bud. I'd let the .01% that don't bother a soul, don't live off gubmint gibsmedats and completely own their situation (don't litter, don't shit in the streets, don't commit crimes etc) live.

soviet style gulags are the answer to everything.

unemployment, homeless, drug addiction even mental illness can be solved by hard work and proper re-education.

It only gets problematic when non-issues as 'critical thinking' or 'questioning the state' become reasons for gulag vacations.

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