How do comets reappear after x years? shouldnt they just keep going into the endless void of space...

how do comets reappear after x years? shouldnt they just keep going into the endless void of space? why do they come back?

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US education?

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They're orbiting our sun

All thing pull all other thing. Bigger-heavier thing pull harderer and also pulled harderer. Sun much-much big-heavy. Sun pull all things much-much, but small-light things less much.

You’re fucking joking.. you’re actually a fucking moron. Comets rebound off the earth’s magnetic field, but the sun heats up comets causing them to expand and fall back into our solar system

i thought they were moving? not orbiting?

I've never thought about that. An interstellar object passing through our solar system is a rarity. It could be that there are certain celestial bodies that we don't know exist which cause the object to get sling-shotted back and forth, assuming that the bodies orbit in a similar way.

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>i thought they were moving? not orbiting?

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>this is literally what scientists expect you to believe
that it is moving towards the sun then dissolves because of the heat, and somehow reanimates, but does this all in the exact same amount of time, every single time.

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Man how is america a superpower again?

they also taught me the jews built pyramids and now everyone says the egyptians built them and idk if i got mandela'd or what

If you take a candle flame and make a piece of ice pass through it quickly does the whole ice melt? Retard.

Great trips of bait. Also trips of cringe. Also trips of bait cringe

Once you go so far left you loop to the right and vice versa. NES taught you nothing.

i would say to you that if i pass two identical ice cubes over a flame at the same rate, twice each, they would have varying amounts of ice remaining. a deviation would occur.

Maybe aliens came to Egypt and just flogged the Egyptians with whips and stuff until they stacked all the rocks into a pyramid and then the aliens went away when it was completed

so the Egyptians did build them

Not even the Jews claim that they built the pyramids, just that they were enslaved in Egypt. Most of the pyramids were built in the Egyptian Old and Middle Kingdom periods, long before the Jews claim to have been enslaved there. And most scholars now believe that there weren't ever large numbers of Hebrew slaves in Egypt. At least, nothing like the numbers that are portrayed in Exodus, even if there is a kernel of historical fact to the story.

I went to school in America
we no longer have algebra geometry or trigonometry, we just have nigger math 1, nigger math x

all objects in the solar system are in orbits.

the sun orbits around the centre of the galaxy (the supermassive black hole Sag.A* ), the planets, asteroids etc orbit around the sun, moons orbit their respective planets. All obeying the laws of physics, Keplerian orbital mechanics.

most of these objects' orbits are close to circular (no orbit is perfectly circular, but, close enough)

But some objects are very elliptical - instead of a circle, it looks like an oval, with one part closest to the sun near it, and one part much further out. Comets are among these objects. They originate in an area called the Kuiper Belt, or the Oort Cloud, which are way beyond the orbit of Pluto, way out on the edge of the solar system where the sun is just a bright dot, and its cold and dark.
there are in fact two types of comet - "periodical" and "non-periodical". Periodical ones are those which reappear every so often - Halley's Comet every 76 years, which will return in 2061, for example. Non-periodic ones are comets like c/2021 Leonard that passed the sun late last year. its orbit was "long period" - it was estimated to have taken more than 80,000 years for a single orbit previously - but it has been accelerated by this pass close to the sun (and particularly by its close pass of Venus) so that it is now hyperbolic - it has been launched like a slingshot bullet, so instead it will go out past the oort cloud, and into the endless void forever, having escaped from the sun.

youre retarded user they orbit around just like everything else


>They originate in an area called the Kuiper Belt, or the Oort Cloud
That's not a very good part of the sentence as it might look like those are the same thing. Also could it not come from the scattered disc? So just a TNO for brevity's sake.

so youre saying leonard is /ourcomet/

Before we continue this hypothetical conversation, can you prove that comets actually exist? Have you ever actually seen one? If so, how can you prove that it is the same exact one that flew by 230,000 years ago? Were you around then? Are comets just a fake news conspiracy? Prove that New York is real.