Itt: we are in 2013

>itt: we are in 2013

Attached: MV5BM2QxMmEwYzktOWU0Yy00YjFlLTliNmMtMTY1NGRjNGRkZDE3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQ4NDY5OTc@._V1_.jpg (1280x720, 88.69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

eye b0ss

gib d pucci b0ss

ebic. Teens thread anyone?

It's all just Frozen music and cringe pre-Vine memes made by cringe millennial children.

Dude i miss this motherfucker so much

please draw more pornography of Renekton from league of legends dressed as a life guard and... oh wow they made a skin of that for real and put it in the game... wow

Just become the next Filthy Frank, user.

Isn't it great we don't have to wear masks to get groceries, and Norm MacDonald is still alive?

Mrs. Johnson can I go to the potty please?

I sure do like that jontron fellow. Hope he keeps posting videos

Can't believe I used to find this shit funny. Now, if I look back at his videos, I question why I used to find this shit funny.

Have you guys heard of this thing called bitcoin? it's like electronic money or something and to buy one it costs over a hundred bucks!! Uh yea, I think I'll pass lol.

Yeh I just used 25 btc to buy some weed off silkroad

>true story

Fuck, I'm homeless and working my ass off to find a place to stay. I have been on Any Forums in ages I wonder what...

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I have an ex gf who's brother has always been involved in tech. I remember him coming to me and telling me he was buying a bunch of them. I don't remember the year, but I think he was buying them for around 50 cents each.
I passed.


I'm so hyped for The Last of Us this summer... I'm totally getting it on the PS3.

Those were the days

when everyone is getting xboxes and you have the wii u

bro you can make a filthy frank thread anytime, you don’t need an excuse

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