You believe this fucking guy? Won't wear a mask? Cause you're so much fucking smarter than rest of us...

>You believe this fucking guy? Won't wear a mask? Cause you're so much fucking smarter than rest of us? Newsflash buddy: we all gotta do it so quit being a nancy pancy chud and wear your FUCKING mask! Un-fucking-believable!

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>Cause you're so much fucking smarter than rest of us?

joke's aside this sort of mentality permeates 90% of normalfucks,, its not like they believe in any of it but YOU should be forced to do it too since they willingly chose to do it

well post the link then you tremendous faggot slicker

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I have NEVER worn a mask in my life

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you mf

wtf is sneed?

whaT about on halloween

oh its brutal

why does this moron wear the headphones? He doesn't even need them lmao

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i wear headphones even when nost listenink to anything
it's just comfy

I've never understood the headphones thing. They are sitting right next to each other. Even the James Rolfe podcast guys were smarter than this

Why is the T in capital


It's a spectrum thing. He doesnt like people touching his ears

I bought tickets to see Bill Burr in April. Should I be worried?

Becouse its noise cancelling

>we all gotta do it
He doesn't though and the fact he's complaining that people aren't is proof of that.

I feel like the anti mask shit was a coordinated psyop or something. it's just the dumbest shit to be against. conservatives have so many real things to actually protest and be against and somehow they managed to politicize wearing a mask in 7-11 for two minutes.

its kind of like a mask for your ears when you think about it

Patrice must be rolling in his size xxxxxxl grave

Bill Burr trashed himself when he married a grotesque nog.

>I feel like the anti mask shit was a coordinated psyop or something. it's just the dumbest shit to be against.
Masks don't work. It's just the Left forcing everyone to do what they want.

>what are symbols

The masks aren't effective. Mandating clothing isn't unreasonable because it's such a pointlessly slippery slope. Now we're mandating an injection. They knew it was coming and they were right.

Masks are useless that's why they backtracked and said to use n95s

This. Same with DeNiro and any other retard that breeds with a gross sheboon. They've forever ruined any semblance of respect for their opinion.

Fighting mandating clothing isn't unreasonable*

>his kids

don't they give you a headache? Or do you not have rogan style earmuff headphones

>The masks aren't effective. Mandating clothing isn't unreasonable because it's such a pointlessly slippery slope. Now we're mandating an injection. They knew it was coming and they were right.
>Masks are useless that's why they backtracked and said to use n95s
there's like five objectively incorrect statements here. get vaxd faggot

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it's not even the effectiveness of masks, it's the fact that no one actually uses it properly, constantly touching, rearranging it, not having a proper seal, like why bother then?

no, good quality ones are very comfortable to wear, i have close headphones yes

>Why won't you just do what I tell you? Do you have any proof that the requirement I came up with and enforce is unnecessary?
>Burden of proof is on the person who disagrees with government mandates! TEE-HEE!

>there's like five objectively incorrect statements here. get vaxd faggot
Says you. You have your datasets and I have mine. I don't believe your datasets because your side is morally bankrupt not to mention all the elites and corperations are siding with you which means you can't possibly be on the right side even going by your own shitlib anti-capitalist logic.

Masks are performative. They do fucking nothing but make retards feel better and governments look like their doing something.

having worked in a radio setting for years, hearing your own voice in the headphones really is useful. makes it easier to naturally adjust your breathing, use a much more controlled dynamic, all things that ultimately make it easier to sustain the use of your voice for a long time, even if you don't actually know the technique behind it. as for hearing the other person, most of the same results apply, and it somehow makes it easier to listen without cutting off the other guy. also, if you're working with background music and/or streaming any kind of sound, you can just play it in the room or it'd go back into the microphones and make a mess.

>man I sure love my murder bull
>oops had to get rid of it
>n-nia made me do it
>like what even is Star Wars lmfao
>hey did you guys see that I’m in Star Wars

A worse erosion of character than Jim Jeffries at this point, holy shit

>Masks are useless that's why they backtracked and said to use n95s
but wasn't the point of wearing standard face masks to stop your droplets from getting in the air, not protect you like an n95?

The only thing that is effective is a respirator that has microbial filtration you disingenuous faggot

My face is too handsome, my jaw is too chiseled to cover it up with a mask

jokes on you I just zoom in on my phone

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you are impossibly lost.

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It's funny because the Trump people were the first to stockpile masks because they swore the government was lying about not needing them back in 2020.
Then I guess they were right but as soon as the CDC said to wear a mask indoors they switched gears and refused to.

Based phone chad

you fell for a hoax. don't call anyone lost.


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Based chad. You get a pass.

No one cared who I was until I refused to put on the mask.

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beep boop

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This but unironically

Rethuglicans are retarded and conspiratorial nonsense is their only remaining refuge. Whenever you shine a light on their beliefs they shrink back and claim they’re not actually like that and it’s irony, or they double down and admit to being disgusting racist thugs that demand everyone act according to their whims 24/7 or they’ll immediately shun you and attempt to humiliate you. They’re dogs undeserving of attention.

Look at how that guy ended up looking. That shit is just sad. I'm terrified of getting old.

This but unironically

Bill Burr is just anudda workin' class FELLA, who gets private drum lessons and has a team of agents and lawyers who review his contracts with Disney.

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Billy.jpg (292 KB, 1080x817) google yandex iqdb wait
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Anonymous 01/30/22(Sun)20:53:41 No.163137261 >You believe this fucking guy? Won't wear a mask? Cause you're so much fucking smarter than rest of us? Newsflash buddy: we all gotta do it so quit being a nancy pancy chud and wear your FUCKING mask! Un-fucking-believable!
Anonymous 01/30/22(Sun)20:55:22 No.163137322
>Cause you're so much fucking smarter than rest of us?
Anonymous 01/30/22(Sun)20:55:51 No.163137345
joke's aside this sort of mentality permeates 90% of normalfucks,, its not like they believe in any of it but YOU should be forced to do it too since they willingly chose to do it
Anonymous 01/30/22(Sun)20:56:10 No.163137356 813810867b322621e22f61db3(...).gif (1.76 MB, 326x326) google yandex iqdb wait
1.76 MB
well post the link then you tremendous faggot slicker
Anonymous 01/30/22(Sun)20:56:28 No.163137367 (You) unmaskedwarrior.jpg (325 KB, 854x758) google yandex iqdb wait
325 KB
I have NEVER worn a mask in my life
Anonymous 01/30/22(Sun)20:56:40 No.163137372
you mf

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I mean, we all can't be as lucky as billy zane and look great hair or not

Romaboos are the cancer of any online discussion. You ruin literally every thread you show up in (kinda like Christfags but more aggressively). I assume 99% of you are Americans.

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The masks are retarded and don't do shit.

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thanks, satan you are my greatest ally

sex sex sex sex sex sex

daily reminder bill burr is raising some other niggers baby who fucked his wife

Underrated post, mucho informative thanks user

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No they did it because their big daddy did it, and when he wound up being a loser they split into two camps, people that believe he was part of some conspiracy or people that thought he’s the only one that wasn’t part of some big conspiracy, and they were controlling what he did and said or some retarded shit like that. They don’t really want anything, they just exist to bitch and impede progress at literally everything.

broke: wearing a mask to prevent covid
woke: wearing a mask to make them buy the good facial recognition software

>uh akshally masks don't do anything
>never provided any evidence

Classic Any Forumstards. Forever the dumbest motherfuckers on Any Forums.

How come the UK ended all the vaccine and mask shit? Doesnt this disprove a global conspiracy?

Do they have names?

I guess we didn't make enough of the troon scum kill themselves over the weekend.

>coordinated psyop or something
Almost everything you see popular on the internet is a coordinated psyop these days. Do you miss all the regularly occurring news about Russia and China using social media and popular websites to propagate misinformation? They are trying to sew chaos and it's kind of working.

I wear a mask because I have a gap in my teeth and I'm self conscious of it

imagine a turd pushing its way past those cheeks

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It’s been definitively proven with wastewater treatment plant data that masking mandates and occupancy restrictions on businesses served no benefit whatsoever. When cities removed those mandates it never increased virus levels in the city.


the room is noise proof so voices don't carry, it is difficult hearing someone sitting next to you let alone 6feet away.

Wanting to do something vs being unequivocally forced to do something turns out isn't the same

there was also an n95 shortage at the start of things and they didn't want people hording them like toilet paper.

They lie to you because you fucking deserve it

same here. I support them, i'm not a retard, but i haven't left my home since before the pandemic.

So now dumb is Burr to think masks do anything?

Fuck off Jamie


Last time I was on Facebook I started tracing some boomer memes I saw on politics pages back to the first time they were posted and 90% of the time they start on some generic russian profile.

Surgeons don't wear masks to stop viral transmission, they change them every four hours and their n95 or better :^)

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my gf and my sister

I miss him bros..

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Because Allah made it so

I could have sworn he was going to be behind the jussie smollet thing

Jim jefferies was always a fucking retarded dickhead. He's always jumped on literally any bandwagon with the laziest jokes. I want to fucking smash his fat face in

>wearing masks outside

masks are literally white genocide

Nothing really wrong with wearing one, or recommending it, as it does no harm, but mandating it when it's highly ineffective is stupid.

it's science

I'm pretty sure this is why nobody ever asks me to wear a mask

And there in is the issue. We still have entire generations or subsets of people who can barely use a computer not having basic literacy for the content they stumble across on the internet.

I wore one once in target and some black hawk down looking guy stared at me, like what are you doing?. I felt like a faggot and never wore it again

I am incredibly ugly.

Dude, even experts are admitting now that your average mask does nothing.

Hides my manface so I can pass uwu

average mask is better than nothing, n95sw are best but they needed them for doctors but now they have enough so everyone should be wearing one

both me btw

Im not against wearing masks but those mask zealots like Kevin smith are some of the most hilariously cringe people on the internet.

so if its about your rights to not wear a mask, will you fight for your right to wear a mask when you dream of mask deregulation occurs?

It's because idiots think the masks are there to prevent them from catching COVID. It's design to prevent YOU from spreading shit to other people.

women treat me better when I wear the mask because I have nice eyes. I hate them so much


>Why the fuck should I wear a seatbelt? You know seatbelts don't even work right? The percentage of fatal auto accidents where the driver was wearing a seatbelt, I'll have you know, is FAR above zero. If you wear a seatbelt and you still die what is even the point? Seatbelts are just a way for the government to control your midsection. Fuck seatbelts, you can't make me wear one. It's fascism that I can't get a job as a truck driver because I refuse to wear a seatbelt, it is my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to do what I want with my body! This country is going down the toilet
This is how you retards sound

>average mask is better than nothing
That's also not true. There is literally no discernable difference.

>we all gotta do it
No you don't.

He wants to hear his own radio voice, it’s narcism


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The mask wearing thing assumes other peoples health, mental or physical is my responsibility . Nobody has to go out if they are that concerned. If they do go out there are plenty of ways to protect them selves. This shared responsibility shit is not going to work. Wear a bubble or fucking hazmat suit

Wear a n95 that stops you from getting it and leave other people alone fucking control freaks

I hope if I get in an accident I either die or come out completely unscathed. I've heard of people needing colostomies because the seatbelt fucked up their digestive tract. I still wear my seatbelt but I'd fucking hate to have to walk around with a shit bag for the rest of my life.

>dont want to get vaccinated but have no problem wearing a mask
>president says you need to wear a mask or get vaxxed
>months later my job was like actually you need to get vaxxed anyway

I expect it as decent polite behaviour in enclosed public places. The majority who don't wear a mask on those situations I can't help but think they just don't give a fuck what happens to them or anyone else

Freedom comes with responsibility. What you're describing is privilege, not freedom. Stop being a child.

Imagine seething about a reaction image

Bureaucracy is like that

Because the new world order needs to prep you and your children for the Mark of the Beast.

>fucking control freaks
There's a difference between wanting to control people and prevent people from dying. I'd rather wear a mask than have the off chance that I am asymptomatic and infect someone who is immunocompromised. I think that's the decent human being thing to do rather than being a selfish faggot over something I only have to wear when I run to the store or go into my workplace.

this, it's why I walk into every store without socks or shoes

Which blue checkmark told you that?

The mask literally does nothing, so your point of view is that people need to make a completely worthless gesture just so that retards like you can think they're doing something [actually nothing] to display their great concern for the public health of all the fatties in earshot

Freedom does come with responsibility but other people's health isn't mine or the government's responsibility.

I hope you're bleeding out on the street and no one comes to help you. God, what a shitty person.

3 years ago you could be kicked out of place for not revealing your face. You ever try entering a bank with your face covered?
What im asking is, now that youve actually gained a right to wear face covering in locations you could not, will you fight for the right to do so?

The point being: if its about your rights, this is one of them. will you fight to keep it?

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What are things only Republicunts say?

I can seriously see people in ten years saying
>Masks are our last hope against facial recognition and I will fight for my right to be allowed to wear them in public places

Who does he look so much like the guy he's "trashing"?