Is Penn right on the money? Or is he just an "out of touch" boomer?

Is Penn right on the money? Or is he just an "out of touch" boomer?

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must be in the water

say what you want ill always see this stuff as edgy. so a dude wears a skirt big deal its like you want to be in charge of how other people live because you're a fucking control freak

I think he's wrong. There's nothing wrong with wearing cowardly jeans. If the choice is a skirt instead give me the jeans anyday

>"out of touch boomer"

Goddamned kikes, chinks, russians, trannies, lefties and zoomers destroying planet Earth with their very existence.

"the California native added"

why the fuck do journalists feel the need to do that dumb shit

Often times the most vocal opponent is the one shamefully partaking in the subject in private and vocalizes their resentment for it as they don’t want anyone to think they’re one too.

Just think of all the guys that called people fag in high school. All of them grew up to suck a Dick at some point. All of them. Especially the ones that get mad and say they didn’t

Troons are just failed, autistic men in dresses.

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Where did he say he wanted to control anyone wearing a skirt?
He just started how he thinks men have become more feminized.

Fucking calm down.

Thought he was some ultra left Hollywood liberal?


It's fine that some dudes are losers and play dress up. Before this, the womanly men bought overpriced hats and designer t shirts. It's just a new brand of girly boy. I hate them all equally.

Political ideology doesn't have a rigid checklist.

Try not to be such a binary thinker

A lot of lefties aren't down with axe wound clan. Trump was president as a Republican for fuck's sake. The guy who went to gay weddings and had women in charge of his businesses before it was socially acceptable.

No he's completely wrong. It's nurture not nature. In other words it's bad parenting being egged on by bad social policy which is now being pushed to the limits by groomers and other autists that had shitty parents

I mean he's probably just tired of masculinity getting villionized and all the weak men that play into it. I'm a big dude with broad shoulders and a full beard and I get glared at every time I go out, it's like trendy to celebrate our differences only not if you're masculine. Hypocrites that always cower if you ever acknowledge them.

>daily fail

what the fuck is he even talking about actually
who are these "feminized men?" Does he fap to them?

he's right but it's not strictly through genetics, it's through social pressure. i guess maybe he is making the argument that men may be genetically wired to do these things to please a woman and then help increase their odds of mating with one to pass on his genes. but men didn't always act this subservient to the whims of useless women for most of history. maybe the more masculine men are being bred out of the gene pool and the more subservient ones are growing numbers thereby falling for the non-stop whining of women and just giving them what they want. so maybe he has a point there.


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Washed up former celebrities find right wingers easier to grift for money and likes. Nothing more to the story.