Why can't pretty girls fuck?

Why can't pretty girls fuck?

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they've never had to

Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.


It's a pretty good thread user chill.

Well, first you need the chance to fuck a pretty girl, which you never have. Second, in the slightest chance you to find one drunk or high enough to give you a shot, you have to know how to fuck as well. Protip: You don't.

Nah, pretty girls always be cutesy during sex.

I prefer more of the dom role, so I'd rather they just be passive and let me do what I want to them. If I want them to move, ride, etc., I instruct them and make them do a good job.

I think most guys are too scared to talk to them. every time I talk with them, they act like they almost never have any white men talk to them.

Yeah, a lot of guys are intimidated. They are just women who need to get fucked, so don't put them on a pedestal. They need a confident guy to respectfully treat them like a normal woman and screw their brains out.

if she's pretty, I get fear of rejection. if she's not pretty, I don't feel anything. I think many men don't or can't overcome the fear of rejection.


They can but for some reason putting effort into sex is extremely difficult for some women.

Check em, they’re pretty so have never had to really do anything for themselves in life in general. They’ve never had to put full effort into anything. Every single aspect put them on a really high pedi stool because they’re so pretty. Being a conventionally attractive woman in the west is the most privileged class around. They can have everything provided for them, people willing to do everything for them

You have to hit on a lot of women and expect a lot of rejection. Just chat and flirt, if they don't look in your eyes and laugh at your jokes, move on to the next. If they indicate interest with their eyes and giggles, etc., make your move. Once you find a couple of receptive women who want you to fuck them, you'll relax and learn to make your move.

Tell us you don't know how to fuck without telling us you don't know how to fuck.....

I've done this to hundreds of women and get rejected every time. Now what?

> Being a conventionally attractive woman in the west is the most privileged class around. They can have everything provided for them, people willing to do everything for them


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That’s my guess as to why, the effect being pretty and being held so highly for it has. The two hottest women I’ve fucked both were lazy in bed. The best I ever had were mid range women who were a little chunky. They bring the fuckin noise

>Nooooo only you need to know how to fuck.

OP girl is ugly which doesnt really point forward to the point youre trying to make...........................................