I'm unjabbed and had covid. I took vit C NAC d3 aspirin and zInc

I'm unjabbed and had covid. I took vit C NAC d3 aspirin and zInc.

Symptoms were sore muscles, headache, runny nose and sore throat.

2nd day was the worst, was like a bad cold, nothing I couldn't handle.
Third day most symptoms gone just a scratchy throat. 4th day everything gone.

I Now I have more immunity than any triple jabbed retard.

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Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.

>I Now I have more immunity than any triple jabbed retard.
and you know that how?

My doctor told me
You mad bro

Because even the CDC admits natural immunity > vaccines. Faggot.

Now beg for links like a little bitch that cant do a simple search.

How does starting to take D3 help? I thought D vitamins were fat soluble so you need chronic not acute consumption to help

The cure and vaccine can actually be gotten by eating 14 year old pussy and ass.

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When I was a little kid, I kind of had this problem. And it's not even that big of a deal. Something like 8 percent of kids do it, but whatever. It's... For some reason, I don't know why, I would just kind of sit around all day and draw pictures of dicks.

I'm triple jabbed and never got COVID.

Symptoms where: nothing

I have more immunity than people who got it naturally.

untrue. Your actually more likely to catch Omicron if you have already had an other Covid variant

I've always taken D3
The only thing I did differently was take NAC and Aspirin. NAC works wonders on the lungs.

Ibuprofen or "advil" raise BP. So none of that shit.

People who are jabbed still get covid. Your time will come. The jabs are useless.

That only happens with the jabbed, because their immune systems have been fucked to high heaven.

omnicron covid doesnt really affect 12 yr olds op

according to the government mouthpieces, who change their tune on how effective the vaccines are seemingly every week or so. I'm sure you're one of those people who pretend they never said the vaccine would prevent you from catching it though so it's kind of pointless to discuss.

Ever get your GED after you dropped out of high school?

Vaccine was developed for the original strain.. it has since mutated. How retarded are you exactly?

not always. my mum had basic covid-19, then caught Omicron around 7 months later, and she is unvaccinated. She also normally has a pretty strong natural immune system and doesn't get ill that often and doesn't have any underlying health issues

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No, you don't have more immunity than a vaccinated person. You're just as vulnerable to infection from the next COVID variant. Also, you are at much higher risk of developing long term health problems from COVID than from the vaccine. In short, you are a fool, and you're encouraging other fools.

Quit forcing this stupid pasta in every thread

>Am jabbed
>Also had covid

Bow before me, weaklings

My sister is un-vaccinated and got covid. She said it was just like having the flu. She's fine.

you're the one who said you're immunized more because of the vaccines. Do they work or don't they? Get it straight faggot.


Uneducated trash.

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They're not vaccines.

It's so weird that there was no such thing as getting sick before 2020 when the world started.

>Vaccine was developed for the original strain
>They're not vaccines.


They keep changing the word, but a vaccine never involved altering DNA, and actually had a virus strain in it to help the body fight it off before you'd get the full blown sickness. The aren't vaccines.

Kid: Doctor I sprained my ankle.

Doc: OK let's do a covid test while you're here

Kid: I'm not sick but okay

Doc: OMG you have Covid! We have to mark this down as a covid death asap.

Kid: but I'm not....


Nurses and doctors aren't quiting because they're stressed out, and getting sick. They're fired because they won't take the jab.

some people are too fucking stupid to own dictionaries

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When they refuse the jab, you know there's something not right.

Im unjabbed and had covid

I slept for 3 days and then took the rest of the week off.

Was 100% 9 days later and have more immunity than anyone that took the gene therapy treatments

I doubt a reputable doctor would make such a spectacular claim

The vaccines were highly effective against the original strain.

The virus has mutated since then and the vaccines haven't been updated to address those changes yet.

Because you anti-vaxers are idiots, you somehow think that the claims that were made when the vaccines were first released somehow apply to this new mutated variant.

Let me spell it out for you: IT'S A DIFFERENT VIRUS

However, the anti-bodies that people got from the vaccine, or from a previous infection do somewhat work against Omicron.. just not very well. The trick right now is to get your anit-body count up to give yourself a better chance. That's what the boosters are for. It may not keep you from getting sick, but it's still doing a good job keeping you out of the hospital or dying, which is the important thing.

The issue is, if they release a new version of the vaccine, you aren't going to take it, because you didn't even take the first one. You have this fantasy that this is all government control and are mad that they reduced your hours at the Burger Hut during the shutdowns. It's going to keep mutating and you idiots are going to keep getting sick from every new variant. You people are a fucking shitshow.