How would you destroy the world? If you were a madman that wanted the world to end how would you do it...

How would you destroy the world? If you were a madman that wanted the world to end how would you do it? I think it would make for a fun discussion. Image not really related

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1 billion Darth Vaders with AIDS lightsabers unleashed upon the earth

Give them an experimental vaccine.

Go back to Any Forums newfag

Nah, i like it here.

I'd convince people vaccines were bad.

Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.

Go back to Any Forums newfag

Personally I think isntilling political unrest through making your own nuclear bombs and setting them off in countries that are notorious for their warheads and political unrest like China or any country with nuclear warheads. The idea is that the explosion would likely cause the country to "retaliate" the attack by sending out nuclear warheads of its own at other countries causing a chain reaction. And if they don't "retaliate" it'll at least strain the countries's relations further. But don't try it, please don't. This is just a discussion meant for fun.

I would send a nuke to russia and China aiming for their capital ( they would obviously see it coming and shoot it) I would have a beer and watch the news and world unfold before my very eyes as tension between them would rival

Build something with a propulsion system that would be able to land on some asteroids and redirect them towards earth.

Bio…kills easy and doesn’t spoil the land.

I just wanted to start a fun discussion. Granted it is on me for expecting much of /b :/

Provide compelling evidence that the Earth is being invaded and attacked by hostile aliens

That’s a spam post, newfag

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Like a genetically engineered virus?

I would elect traitor pedo bitch trump

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The motherfucking KESSLER EFFECT

>send shit up into space
>make shit collide with other shit
>shit starts orbiting at huge fucking speed, colliding with even more shit
>shit, shit, everywhere!
>can no longer send satellites into space
>all existing satellites are shrekt
>governments of the world can't spy on each other anymore with satellites
>real fucking paranoia shit
>world war 3 starts
>time to play real-world Fallout from my bunker in Australia where nobody gives a fuck

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Yes, yes, indeed. My astute Any Forumsro..

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Go back to Any Forums newfag

I have never seen it before in my time on /b granted I only check up on it sometimes

Kek what a pathetic reply. You thought you were some hot shit creating this reply, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible user you are. Ruined this entire thread with this dumb reply.

Kek what a pathetic reply. You thought you were some hot shit creating this reply, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible user you are. Ruined this entire thread with this dumb reply.

Global dispersal of LSD into the upper atmosphere

>put alle non-juden, non-mudslimes and non-niggers in ghettos
>wait 3 days
those underdeveloped poeple in the free would then do it for me

I would create a virus and introduce it into the World's Bat Soup supply chain. Then sit back and watch the fun begin.

When the USSR failed would of been the best time. Took over a nuclear silo and lunched. Now seriously make a virus like they tired with covid. Next poison the water. Since we all need it be perfect weapon.


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Kek, never change Any Forums

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Robo army, i become a cyborg and enslave/decimate the human population then i travel space with my robobros

This sounds great

Do it!!!! Do it!!!!!

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Fuckin A, Man
Watch out for your cornhole, Peter Man.
Just rewatched it last night for the first time in a long time and it holds up.

Sit back and watch, it's already happening.

Throw a virus and vaccine out into the world. Then spread positive and negative information about both.
Wait for massive division to form around the world and watch it lead up to everyone killing each other.

Hell if separating everyone by color, gender, religion, ect, didnt cause human extinction. Gotta try something new huh?