/dpt/ — Daily Programming Thread

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Attached: modern-programming-object-oriented-programming-and-best-practices.jpg (1200x1480, 168.92K)

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All programming languages are shit.

Programming is an antichrist pilled field whose sole purpose is to connect humanity with demons.

Awesome, anything that pisses off Christians is based!

there has already been a thread today... faggot op

>he sucks the cock of the antichrist
>he also can't program

Attached: god_gives.png (483x468, 559.79K)

*Don't* learn Haskell

Attached: 1635327452126.png (500x496, 57.51K)

>avoid selecting readable fonts

Reminding anons to use github.com/friendlyanon/cmake-init when creating new C++ and C projects!

the text fidelity is lazily evaluating

Cniles and functards absolutely cannot come up with a single concrete argument against OOP, only the circular "OOP is bad because it's just bad" or complete strawman arguments, or reposting 5+ year old youtube rants full of strawman arguments

Attached: 1634690495674.jpg (1024x797, 90.5K)

Finished the music breaker script. Bash is too taxing for feature creep. Lot of valuable lessons learned today though.
>When putting variables in a command, quote everything.
>A space between parenthesis is the difference between an arithmetic operation and piping in a command
>Regular expressions suck, which must be why there are so many different programs doing them in different ways
>When reading a file line by line, don't forget the last character in each line is a line break
>Totally unrelated but line breaks are valid in file names
>Counting starts at one, arrays start at zero unless specified otherwise
>Bash has half a dozen ways of presenting a variable, each more complicated than the last

cluster_of_music="YOUR MUSIC FILE.opus"
readarray track_list < $input

for (( i=${#track_list[@]}; i>-1; i-- ))
# Since the array starts at zero
# and the track count starts at one
# the track number and FOR loop's test get shifted by 1.

if (($i==${#track_list[@]}))
# The first entry is blank. So we catch it and do nothing meaningful.
echo "${#track_list[@]} Tracks Found!"

if (($track_number==${#track_list[@]}))
# Get the full length of the audio file
# so we can propery trim the last audio track
# which is bullshit, but feels like a proper solution
track_start[$track_number]=$( (ffprobe -sexagesimal -i "$cluster_of_music" -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0") )
echo "Full duration of audio: ${track_start[$track_number]}"


# Not totally apparent but every line except the last one
# ends in a LINE BREAK
# This line break must be filtered out or it shows up in the file name!


# convert track times to seconds, subtract current time from previous time
# to get the length of the current track in seconds
track_length=$(( $(date -d "${track_start[$track_number]}" "+%s") - $(date -d "${track_start[$i]}" "+%s") ))

echo "Track $track_number - ${track_start[$i]}"
echo "${track_title[$i]}"
echo "Length: $track_length"
ffmpeg -loglevel error -stats -ss "${track_start[$i]}" -t "$track_length" -i "$cluster_of_music" "$output_folder"/"${track_title[$i]}".opus < /dev/null
echo "______________________________________"
sleep 1

Please help

LAMP is literally the only stack you could ever need

>regex sucks
Kill yourself

Programming in the best language created by man tonight.
Programming in Rust.
Making extremely performant concurrent trading systems.

Attached: inb4_transvestite.jpg (758x644, 37.75K)

*created by woman

Choose for me
>Copy(byte[] array, int offset, int count);
>Copy(byte[] array, int arrayIndex, int count);
>Copy(byte[] array, int startIndex, int count);

int start, int end
end is exclusive

Copy(byte[] theArray, int theIndex, int theCount);

Attached: mpv-shot0039.jpg (1920x1080, 205.39K)

byte Copy(byte theByte)

Copy(byte[] standardArray, int standardArrayIndexParameter, int standardArrayIntegerCount);

* redacted 50 lines of documentation
void cp(T[] arr, size_t off, size_t len);
//cp(a, i, size);

what is it even copying ?

I am try to fucking learn Spring, and I don't know if it is so fucking easy, or am I retarded and I am missing something.
I hate this.

Attached: PepeRope.jpg (1280x1137, 138.9K)

automation scripts; how would i detect if a online file is 404'd with curl and exit?
what i have so far:
@echo off
color 0a
tools\curl-7.81.0-win64-mingw\bin\curl -L -o ooot.zip github.com/blawar/ooot/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
cd output
del ooot.rz
cd ..
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" x ooot.zip
del ooot.zip
rz a -d 1111k "output\ooot.rz" "ooot-master"
del ooot-master

Copy(byte[] a, int b, int c);

I cannot think of anything to make. I only really know PHP but I want to make something that is useful for me.