I genuinely can't decide between openSUSE and Fedora

I genuinely can't decide between openSUSE and Fedora

Need a "just works" Linux distro for a professional workstation and environment for processing large amounts of data

I'm starting a masters degree soon, so wont have much time to maintain the system

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Just install Gentoo

Don't ask here, no one here actually knows anything about technology.
But that being said, I would use fedora, rolling release isn't the best for "professional" use.
this also

Install macOS.

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fedora logo is a F. a failing grade. first letter of FAGGOT

opensuse logo is a smug lizard. cool green color. eats bugs and doesn't afraid of anything.

Fedora has better GNOME intergration
openSUSE has better KDE

couldn't care less about the DE desu


openSUSE leap has a similar release schedule to Fedora

unironically the most helpful answer so far

KDE neon if you want KDE


simple AS

and that's supposed to mean bitch

loonix is a meme
dont waste your time

opensuse leap

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I run Fedora workstation on my home battlestation and my x220 shitpad. I like it, but I want to warn you if you want KDE, it's laggy right now.

probably fedora just because it is slightly more popular and thus has better online support material.
opensuse has yast but if you're not going to actually use it and just run regular apps, it's sort of a wash. both support flatpak ootb, plus community repos/copr (but i don't recommend installing packages from random maintainers).
>rolling release isn't the best for "professional" use.
there's tumbleweed and leap to choose from. i'd go with tumbleweed tho.
>Fedora has better GNOME intergration
>openSUSE has better KDE
and yet you can run either on both and the differences are negligible

The thread ended here. Both are rock solid distros, but Fedora treats GNOME as a first class citizen and other DEs are rather buggy on it. OpenSUSE is basically built from the ground up to support KDE.

filepicker thumbnails on firefox isn't negligible

get Kubuntu 21.10

bloated shit, SuSE 9.x and 10.x were lat usable releases
unstable software tested on (You) before it goes to paid RHEL

My favorite Ubuntu story is watching a guy in a mtg be unable to HDMI out his laptop to the room projector

>filepicker thumbnails on firefox
didn't even notice this
i guess fair if you care

>unstable software
It's not Arch
>RHEL Beta testing bullshit
No matter the distro, if you use the kernel, you are a Red Hat beta tester already, I'm sorry.

>get Kubuntu 21.10
Bloated shit. Ubuntu was last usable in 2009 before they learned how to suck their dicks and huff their farts at the same time.