/sqt/ Stupid question thread

I'm starting first.
I subscribed for a month to this 3D academy that has video tutorials in it. I'd like to know if there's a video ripper (either be it an extension or a software) that manages to download videos from websites where you need to log in to access the videos?

Attached: hmmm.jpg (393x360, 20.7K)

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Yeah, the extension of Internet Download Manager, but you obviously need to install Internet Donwload Manager in your device first.

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>GNU/Linux questions >Windows questions >PC building? >Programming questions >Good, cheap laptops >Cheap electronics >Server questions >Buying headphones How to find/activate any version of Windows?

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and I fucked up the quote, this is why I don't usually do this

Attached: 1455058076087.png (452x710, 481.68K)

there was a based website going around here a few months back "reviewed" the latest happenings on ycombinator/hacker-news? basically making fun of things. it was pretty redpilled. anyone have the link?

Should I use the nvidia studio driver or game ready driver? I use adobe suite, capture one, resolve a moderate amount but I also like to game on my pc and im not sure which id rather prioritise

I don't know of a way to rip files like that, behind a login, in an automated fashion, because I'm not good with computers, but I know there's firefox addons that will make it easier to download embedded videos. Even if there's 100 videos, if it only takes you a few seconds to open the content page and hit the addon button and start downloading, it wouldn't take you too long to do it manually like this.

I'm learning about i2c in C++.
I'm not using a library like Wire.h or anything. Just the i2c and smbus on the Linux Kernel.

There's always this "write" thing near the beginning of the code
What is this?
if (write(file, buf, 3) != 3) {
/* ERROR HANDLING: i2c transaction failed */

In side "reg" is something with values in it, like reg[1] = 0x01
I know the 0x01 is an address on the slave device. But what am I doing here? I come from python and this looks like I'm storing an element in an array, but I know something else is happening.
I tried to print reg and I get nothing.

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Use what's more important to you

I have a 2 TB archive of small files, ranging from 500 bytes to around 6 kilobytes in size. I want to choose optimal recordsize value for ZFS volume to keep the archive in. So far I saved size of every single file to the text file. Now, what kind of statistics should I use? Guess the average value won't do the trick here...

How can I give myself schizophrenia so I can collect disability for the rest of my life instead of being a wagecuck?

>i know a firefox addon
>doesnt give the name

give it

you already fucked up by asking stupid questions in the op you stoopid

There's a master branch in git, and my own branch where I make changes, then the boss copies my changes into his master branch manually and commits it plus his changes. How do I update my branch to match master? Can it be done on git desktop?

I was thinking "git checkout master" then switch to my branch and commit it, but git desktop does a checkout when I switch branches, it seems.

Nvm, merge allows me to chose to use the files from master and disregard mine.

t. retard

I'm not OP, but I am stoopid

Speaking of git, can I do:

cd ..
sudo rm -r fucking-git-repo-dir
git clone some.github.url/fucking-git-repo-dir.git
cd fucking-git-repo-dir

Without a remote repo? Just a local git project. Obviously I'd use another folder instead of deleting it prior. And it's not just cp -r old/ new/, I want to remove everything on .gitignore and any other bloaty cruft (because they get created on install/runtime and I just need a small footprint for uploading to my server).

I'm currently dual booting Windows 10 with LXLE Linux, how do I get rid of LXLE? Can I just delete the partition from windows? I want to dual boot Garuda Linux but for that I need to make a new partition with at least 32 gb of space, plz help

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Yes, you can git clone ~/mydir

pull master into your branch

>I just need a small footprint for uploading to my server
git clone --bare if you need only repo without working directory
git clone --depth=1 if you want minimal repo
