
1. is it worth learning?
2. based or cringe?

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>2. based or cringe?

Attached: based-cringe.gif (491x498, 2.17M)

Yes, but learn POSIX shell first. You can learn the bashisms later, or forget that and switch to another POSIX compliant shell like zsh if you like.

at least you didn't post a frog.

I'm not proficient with it, but I've seen people making quick relatively complex one liners like
>run a program n times in parallel
>save the output of each execution in a different file
>extract the minimum value overall
written in a matter of 30 seconds. So I'd say yes, it's worth learning if you use linux.

That said, It's an extremely cringe language. It sucks balls if compared with any other real programming language. The syntax is a clusterfuck and sometimes piping is broken and you have to use xargs or some other shit.

it’s a very efficient scripting language and interface. can easily save you a lot of time by just having a few lines of code
>POSIX compliant shell like zsh
zsh is not POSIX compliant.

POSIX compatible is what I meant.

history -c
history -c
history: bad option: -c

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bash is useful to know because it's extremely powerful and efficient - you can literally do anything with it. HOWEVER, the syntax is absolute dogshit. like really, really, really bad. everything is treated as a string except when it's not, there are 4 different ways to compare variables, bash will shit the bed if you use "" instead of '', use [ condition ] except sometimes when you use [[ condition ]], semicolons are optional (sometimes), and god forbid you put a space in a variable assignment statement

the reality is anything that can be done in bash can be done in python. it's not that you shouldn't know bash, just learn enough to get by and write scripts in python

>1. is it worth learning?
Are you working with a terminal?

>bash will shit the bed if you use "" instead of ''
examples ?
>use [ condition ] except sometimes when you use [[ condition ]]
you are not supposed to use [ condition ] in bash

For the sake of just learning?
If you're using Linux

Attached: IMG_20220203_202836.jpg (1080x416, 36.14K)

Yes. I reccomend Bash over Zsh as a interactive login shell since bash has gpl and zsh has a permissive liscense.
I recommend yash as your system shell over dash as yash has gpl, too bad dash is permissive as it's twice as fast as yash which is twice as fast as bash/zsh.

>as a PDF
It's fucking free on the website. Look a the sidebar.

Can you explain what POSIX compliant means? What is POSIX?

man 7 standards

1. yes
2. based

You'd be better off learning something like python instead user-kun

Very much worth learning superficially. Diminishing returns after that. Only in rare circumstances is it worth mastering.

Just focus on POSIX compliant shell. If your shell scripts can't function in dash they're useless.

At least he didn't post Terry Davis or Lain.

Why not both?