Is this true, user?

Is this true, user?

Attached: good morning sirs.png (1592x702, 52.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not even close

cringe department: people who give a shit about what technologies others use

based department: doing whatever you want and not caring what people think about it

how do i write frontend in C

Simple. Don't write frontend, faggot.

Web Assembly

Attached: C to WebASM.jpg (838x720, 86.28K)

Add ASM to the based dept.

Attached: basedCEO.jpg (1024x958, 168.12K)


If you use ocaml, you are either french, or work for jane street
and in both circumstances I hate you

Jobless autismo spotted

Unemployed neets thread

move lisp to based
remove rust entirely
And now left is unemployed, right is employed

Kek, so true it hurts

this is based primito, thanks for linking this


holy shit wtf

WASM can't manipulate the DOM. This seriously limits its utility.

Move Go to cringe and its perfect

For good reason. I don't want you pajeets to insert segfaulting ads

Only if you also add a thumbnail of your pic to the cringe category.

based post is based

Put Lisp in the based department, then you are correct.

OP, I'm sure the people out there in the real world making 150k+ using python would laugh real hard

Lua is a meme no one can pretend its a sensical language

Ripoing your toenails out is a better experience.
