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my parkour speedrunning game thing is complete, featuring randomly generated lighting and levels


anyone into gradle please help me with this

nth for >λ=


>co-worker sends you memes on teams
Am I allowed to ignore them?
Will I get fired for not being team player?

You WILL attend the mandatory dance sessions wagie

hey thanks!

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It's hard to pretend that you care online.

I want to do a small application to help me perform ear-training (being able to distinguish between different musical intervals, like major vs minor seconds).
Is there somewhere I can download MIDI or WAV files for different instruments? I haven't been able to find anything. There's this website: tonedear.com/ear-training/intervals, but some of the piano samples are *really* low quality.

cool D thing with Gas Dynamics simulation, and converting from a C++ codebase

Oh, it's a browser thingie, didn't notice lol. Is it WASM or just WebGL?

If I want to create a simple loader app in Python to execute some prep tasks, launch another program, wait for that program to exit, and then execute some cleanup tasks, am I better off using subprocess or asyncio? Or something else?

I noticed the documentation for subprocess indicated that it uses a busy waiting loop if you wait for a process to conclude but idk how asyncio handles this or whether the extra overhead of this is significant or not.

Is there an universally acceptable way to create bitmask for 4000+ flags.

maybe you shouldn't use bitmask at that point

what are you doing exactly?
Maybe you're thinking about it wrong.

A byte array. But as said, explore other options (or give us more information).

I only really need one bit. I'm thinking about using an array of uint32_t's and two functions: one for flipping the bit at the given offset, one for checking the bit at the offset.

>Ferrous Systems and AdaCore are announcing today that they’re joining forces to develop Ferrocene - a safety-qualified Rust toolchain, which is aimed at supporting the needs of various regulated markets, such as automotive, avionics, space, and railway.
>For Ferrous Systems, Ferrocene is an opportunity to leverage their Rust technical expertise and their relationship with the Rust community to turn the language into a first-class citizen for mission- and safety-critical embedded software development.
>For AdaCore, this effort complements our long-standing Ada commitment and offers an opportunity to extend to the Rust community the expertise that we developed around safety-certified Ada toolchains.


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I'm writing a library for parsing proprietary file format. The format is basically just a bunch of messages prefixed with their ID and length. Most of the time you only really need to look at a few of those. I want the user to be able to skip over the ones they don't need (parsing the actual message content is expensive because they're not byte aligned). There are about 4000 message IDs.

int enabled_ids[];

but then you'd need to search for an id in that array every time you have to decide whether to parse it or not.

Just have a sorted vector or set of enabled IDs.

how can programming help me find the will to go on?

compared to having to check ~4000 bits?

probably for a small launcher script it doesn't matter

find a long term goal to dedicate your life to

You only need to check one bit at the given offset.

It's not the worst solution, but still kinda ugly in my opinion, I already though about this.

>It's not the worst solution, but still kinda ugly in my opinion, I already though about this.
How is it ugly?