Realistically how mane years away are we from a fully functional AI?

Also does the elite really believes in Roko's basilisk?

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what a cringe video
closed after 30s. kys

i think that if you
>could imagine an AI,
but did not create it
>it did come into existence to then/not torte you for this
then it (the ai) would depend on the ai (you would have created) and how that would act, creating it in your own image. you, creating it (even if it wasnt in your own image!) would be created in a way, which would or would not torture you for it
do YOU think AI could be real?
i think that it could be so, in 19 years. or in the past. and the ai was just shitposting
but what do you think?

i dont think this thread will gain attention. this is talked about here, almost-daily
so im just saying words for you, user
tell me what you think about ai and how long/many years we are from a fully functional one

AGI, atleast publicly is still decades away i think for any
Meme learning took away a lot of attention, man power, and money, so it's getting set back.

i have just noticed that you mentioned "elite" in your post
but my words are still there to be words for you, while this thread sits idle... but - for the elite, i dont know. nobody does, except for them; they arent going to tell you, and i dont know why you are asking here. are you a child? are you stupid?
are you a thicko, a child, or both?

dumb elon must dickriding famboy and grimes simp faggot band-wagon-ing ai

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog


Is that a pajeet trained AI from the Infinite Loo?

>fully functional AI
The fuck does that mean?

They have purposely trained you wrong as a joke AI, pls go back to your server

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i think that pajeets are so often used because eventually, it is all killed.
nothing lasts fore-ver. and i think that the indian people (those doing AI
) care less about their projects, as in, its mostly for the money and not
for the things that would stop you from killing it... as in, they do not care
at all, about the things theyre doing, and do so with absolutely no heart
but the things that really do matter make and govern themselves, and it
is kind of a workaround to this. but for the(se) things that do need to be
killed are done by indians mostly.
this workaround helps in a different way, and for other things like when
the teams of people are competing and, or, finding their place... where
these people im talking about would be killed in the same way that, the
projects are killed. and this lets the people competing, find their place .
and everyone has their place; they are all what they are, and it is just

I think he meant sentient virtual form, capable of solving abstract problems and such like Iron Man's Jarvis. I think that we need better models simulating brain functions. Word is we don't understand much of the inner workings of the brain.

my mistake but not mis-take

When we solve AI we'll solve everything. It's just a matter of asking the AI to build house, grow food, build transportation and eventually journey into space.

That's Elon Musk's wife

(or just tricking??)

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>build house, grow food, build transportation
these things we can do ourselves bro, I think it would be more useful of problems that we are not able to solve ourselves

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>Roko's basilisk
did apply
then would this not already solve it, and-so be, already on the grounds for the "social experiment" or what-ever he called it, to take place/be in effect?

unplug yourself you waste of electricity


>these things we can do ourselves bro
Yet we still don't do it. AI will be able to coordinate that, do it fast, create meta materials for highly advanced engineering etc. There's a bunch of stuff that it will do even better that we already can.

Not in our lifetime at least, hundred years or more at least.

You mean automation, yeah I agree on that

Fully functional AI?
I might guess 100 years +
We haven't even mapped out the human brain, how are were supposed to create a new one yet?

kil urself; you wont. pussy

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Dude, Roko's basilisk is the most shiny example of human ethics being applied at inhuman sentience. This supposed super intelligence would be able to do whatever the fuck it wants and there morons think that it will destroy humanity and not at worst just leave us and fuck off to outer space or whatever.

kill yourself, you wont; pussy


commit suicide

>We haven't even mapped out the human brain, how are were supposed to create a new one yet?
By creating a black box that we don't need to understand but simply solves problems and is able to reassembly itself and evolve.

Why would it want to leave the earth and go to outer space? Do what out there

because we fucked off to outer space when we figured that out, after killing all of the animals and going to space, to only look at doing it now because A people wanted to kill jeff and B we fucked up the earth
i agree with you, though. where, the first thought people have is "omg wat if they kill us??"
but also, what if fucking off into space is them coming here? or not to interrupt, but, what if the black box is something like the pyramids, the mayan calendar, etc.
id say something like that because if it is something else, we havent found it (yet)
and if is those things - the black box, or fucking off into space, then its possible that it has already happened. like it is possible that, there is already AI and it is already here

it is simply nature to take over. and the only thing stopping something, say ants, from doing so... is nature! in that, if ants did take everything else out, they would die soon after, anyway. i think that ants are the ultimate lifeform

That fucking useless bot has really fucked up the thread.

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ill leave now so you guys can talk
i often talk too much and it ruins it for others
so you guys should continue on now as if i had left
(i have)