Let me guess. you need "more"

Attached: claytablets.jpg.png.jpg.png.jpg.jpg (530x353, 54.39K)

I actually need "less"

>he doesn't write in binary
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 00110010 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100001 01110010 01100001 01100011 01110100 01100101 01110010 01110011 00101110

>He doesn't speak ancient Sumerian Cuneiform

cuneiform is fucking gay and im glad we don't have to use it anymore

too many characters.
01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100010 01101100 01101111 01100001 01110100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01110111 01100001 01111001 00100001

Base-60 counting system is based as fuck

would love to see a 60 character numpad

Hell yeah. Still fucking used today baby.

Attached: b43.jpg (1200x1088, 131.54K)

unless you're willing to go to uni for it or don't want more than a basic understanding of it you might as well just/first learn akkadian

It's so fucking divisible

what do the words say?

I prefer cunnyform myself

Attached: sample_245ed6a992afc6270c3d38c7f659cc84.jpg (850x1106, 411.37K)

π’€­π’€­ up in this bitch

Attached: fbyu4ffembj71.png (1224x958, 1.2M)


gates of babylolicon...

Wait, what the fuck?
Does this work?

hahaha nice

Attached: 000004653462022-02-01_21-10.png (1920x1080, 427.75K)

Based cunny-form

Attached: FIx9dgSXwAIq6-3.jpg (1080x1080, 262.15K)

>tabs enthusiast

why the fuck would you use https everything? eff is discontinuing it and it's already built into brave in two fucking places