How do you get the most common browser fingerprint??

How do you get the most common browser fingerprint??

Whoever gets the lowest score..please explain how..?

Attached: Untitled.png (2865x1896, 626.01K)

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Avoid entering in the entropy of fingerprinting testing websites, it's based on their own database which doesn't include the vast majority of users

Sites like these are not actually very good. You see, the only people who will be using a website like this are going to be relatively tech savvy people (who, more than likely gonna have a bunch of extensions installed). Normies don't even know sites like this even exist, so you won't be getting real world usage numbers

It's very easy just to best buy or some shit get the first Windows laptop you see and install Chrome

but then you avoided one problem by making another problem

The latest version of Google Chrome.
A 1920x1080 display
8 gigabytes of ram
Windows 10
A four core intel CPU, no dedicated gpu.

spoof an iphone. that's all i do.

>be privacyfag
>use obscure distro+browser+privacy plugins
>devices with this fingerprint: 1 in billions

>just get rendered the mobile version
but really, what do you use to achieve this?


chrome saves a device id in the browser for google sync, otherwise it would be the best to blend in

just looks like i'm a tard on an iphone. also you can set it up to alway get the web version.

sorry ready why not what. various user agent spoofing in request headers and JavaScript telemetry requests. can be browser extensions or on a network level. just look around and see what is available for your situation for spoofing.

now we understand

Attached: clickfarm.jpg (1200x644, 134.36K)

if you always get the web version, doesn't it make you fingerprintable?

if it is not actually the browser it will probably be detectable

I just tried that and it still says I'm unique somehow.

Attached: dd4d74a0-1b2a-11ec-879b-81766e0887c0.png (777x777, 2.31M)

It's due to the latest version of chrome. Also remove any addons

Why the fuck does my browser leak all this info to allow fingerprinting? All a server needs is my ip address to return data. How did this fucking industry get so disgusting?

nice try fbi but I ain't clickin that shit

the rows show the different properties, anything red is pretty rare

>All a server needs is my IP to return data
Data yes, how are you display the data? Do you want the machine level binary to come back?

some html would be good

Use the most normie shit. Hide in plain sight, age old tactic espoused by Sun Tzu himself.