Nobody wants you here they never wanted you here

>nobody wants you here they never wanted you here
>that whole locker room is afraid to say it, not me

This dude said way worse shit to punk than Hagman ever could. Where was the backstage heat? Where were the going into business for yourself promos from both guys?

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it's a work you mark

hangma'am is just a faggot

It was the promo that finally got Eddie over with me but it was a work. Eddie’s a professional, he doesn’t engage in pettiness like Hangnail does.

Because they agreed to it beforehand while Hangma'am caught Punk off guard.

How is it a work if what he said was all true? The people back there don't like Punk and neither does he. I don't get it. He should have been pissed the same way knowing that no one likes him in AEW

Because he likes Eddie and he doesn't like Hangman

because Eddie was making that shit up, people backstage love Punker

Kingston got suspended for punching Guevara cause he called him fat

based Punker

>cucks fan
worked and seething

That’s not petty, I’d punch Sammy too. His face is annoying.

Cum Hound Kingston isn't friends with the Elite so Cornette thinks its okay for him to say that stuff, Hangman isn't allowed cause fuck muh evps

if it's already been said by others, you're a retard for complaining about it being repeated

He was in the right for that.

Nobody wants you here =/= you talk about workers rights but have shown the exact opposite

Cucknette’s insults are playground tier and you’re a retard for spouting them and thinking it makes you clever.

>Nobody wants you here =/= you talk about workers rights but have shown the exact opposite
This is what's at the heart of it. Hangman is a flaming liberal, and Punk is a sociopath who pretends to be liberal. So shooting on "workers rights" is fightn' words for those faggots.

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lol whatever you say penthouse

i wouldnt call that petty he got in sammys face and dealt with it right then and there instead of waiting weeks for the right time to bury him

Punk knows that Eddie would beat the shit out of him

Isn't that the jobber who tried to beat up Sammy cause he called him "fat"? Where's the prison guards? These fags are making over 6 figures a year and they're trying to assault eachother over grade school insults.


Hangman alluded to Punk having an employment contract with the associated benefits while the rest of the roster are independent contractors without benefits. Nothing Eddie said came close to this.