Assume you just became a multi-billionaire, like Jeff Bezos

Assume you just became a multi-billionaire, like Jeff Bezos.

Assume you're not autistic enough to waste money on geek shit like lord of the rings or whatever.

What wrestling related fantasy would you use that money to fulfil ?


I'd build a legit WWE arena quality ring on my estate and invite only women wrestlers to perform. I would offer triple of whatever contract their on, plus perks if they stay the night in an attached hotel.

Now tell yours, don't copy mine.

>inb4 start my own fed

please we have seen that disaster already

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Good. Morning. Sir.

I would campaign for and vote for Trump and Trump-approved candidates in state, federal and local elections.

a women's pudding wrestling company

I would create a womens wrestling show on weekly TV. 3 Hours long, greatest women wrestlers in the world, great matches, hardcore matches, pudding matches, the 3rd hour gets a little frisky

I'd buy every wrestling promotion on Earth and bury all the wrestlers I don't like.

I'd pay Agent 47 to take out Tony Khan

Start my own fed and be the Emperor Money Mark
Steal talent from WWE and AEW
start my own PC
bring back Valets with big tits and fat asses
do mountains of coke and fuck said Valets
run my shows and ppvs in the same town on the same dates as the other feds

tony khan had the perfect opportunity, he got a prime time slot on the highest rated cable channel, to prop his new company up, and he still did absolutely nothing with it, because he wanted to appease the muh werkrayt smarks. there isnt going to be a better opportunity than aew had for a long time.

>run my shows and ppvs in the same town on the same dates as the other feds
kek what a tortious interferer

Resurrect some dead fed like the AWA and get in a pointless feud with Billy Corgan and watch him complain because I think that would be funny.

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a women's royal rumble but they're all naked and showing bobs and vagina and feets

I book the show just like Vince did, nothing but dancing gimmicks and cuck storylines in between 5 min squash matches.

>Assume you're not autistic enough to waste money on geek shit
>What wrestling related fantasy would you use that money to fulfil ?
user, I'm afraid I've got some BAD NEWS!

I would train as little as possible.
Then pay serious wrestlers millions of dollars for a one match deal versus me.
Then I'd try to shoot on them.

I'd buy a midget fed blackmail a TV exec to get it on TV with my mossad connections then hire Russo to run it with total creative freedom.

I would acquire every DVD released by major and minor wrestling companies to have the largest collection in the world. Also would start my own fed but I’m not a geek mark and would book for dimes, not meltzer meme stars.

I would pay every wrestler across WWE and AEW double their current contracts now to never wrestle again and let this shitty industry die like it should've done a long time ago.

Armpits. Lots of sweaty female pits on my face every hour til the day i die.

Lifesize BCA monster ring and big blue cage add-on and two life-size hydraulic launchers from the bca attitude ring
