I just went bankrupt ordering Taco Bell. Thanks a lot Biden

I just went bankrupt ordering Taco Bell. Thanks a lot Biden.

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>this faggot thinks presidents set prices for fast food

This has what to do with professional wrestling?

Damn, how much did you order?

I like to order a bean burrito with potatoes & extra onions in it

Fuckin joe ruining everything these days. Come on, man

I saw Campbells chunky soup for almost $4 today at the grocery store. They already made the cans smaller too

>extra onions
Hope you also enjoy spit.

Special orders always get spit on or pube slipped (t. Burger King employee who puts pubes in burgers when someone asks for "no pickles"). I once pubed Maria and her husband.

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Fuck. You might as well make that shit yourself at that point.

They’re $2.20 at Walmart, probably around $1.50 (with wider cans) in 2020

how poor are you?

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>value menu
how poor are YOU

My Taco Bell is a bit more pricey than that.

You can get a decent lunch at taco bell for 20$. Who doesnt have 20$?

I got from Taco Bell tonight
Grilled cheese beefy burrito
Doritos locos taco
Soft taco
Hard taco
8 dollars

Trump lost.

I wish I lived in the south

>one lunch
What's wrong with you?

I stopped going there when the Fritos burrito got released. Literally the only thing that I liked on the card (besides soft and crunchy tag team of course)

The south is pretty cool amigo but stay in your gay area no offense

I like to get a box meal and an extra little snack. Im a growing boy


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The only thing growing is your waist line

Unlike you you fucking degenerate i maintain a strict phyiscal and dietary regimen. Taco Bell just so happens to fit in to it right now. Fast food isnt cheap. 2 mcdoubles and a large big mac meal is 20 bucks. 20 bucks isnt an issue for me because im not cheap. Im not a little broke bitch like you. I eat lots of lunch and lift lots of weight. You aint shit kid