Is Black Gen z doomed? Imagine working your ass off to get out of the hood/boonies and your son ends up like this

Is Black Gen z doomed? Imagine working your ass off to get out of the hood/boonies and your son ends up like this.

Attached: genznikka.webm (576x1024, 1.09M)

I mean look at this shit. This is the norm now.

Attached: genznikka2.webm (576x1024, 963.34K)

>Imagine working your ass off to get out of the hood/boonies and your son ends up like this.
I see a dad having fun with his kid. Out of curiosity, did you have an absent father figure?

Attached: 1663087205637171.jpg (734x633, 70.19K)

You can tell whos never met a black person lol

>hanging out and bonding with his son
>both acting goofy and enjoying life
yeha im not sure what the problem here is? wish my dad and I could bond and hang out and get along like that. good on both of them

It's just a cute father/son moment, shut the fuck up
Would kill to have had this kind of stuff as a kid

Please post that image as far and widely as you can. I think the suicide gap could be used to massive effect to spread white nationalism. It is a perfect example of speaking to our own base (suicidal men, basically) in a way that overlaps with our end goals (identity politics for white ppl).

If my son went around dressed like that i would beat the shit out of him. What's the point of having a father around of he can't teach you to be a man?

I'd wager about half of white suicides are LGBTQ+ whites though.

they think the analog to
>hey look at these stats showing how violent and sociopathic you are - this is why we are upset when we have to live next to you

quite telling

He looks like a rich as fuck black guy buying his son like $200 outfits and they live in a nice house thats in perfect condition. He's just matching his son's goofy energy.

The suicide rate for blacks is low because the ones who have it bad die in gang violence or they are in jail and theres little to kill themselves with and if they get caught and stopped by their roommate they are living with 24/7, they then get put into solitary confinement and/or shoved into a psych ward with nutso violent people on top of being put in a near naked vest thing / straight jacket.

Sounds like youve yet to become a man and think machismo bullshit makes you manly. Youre so fucking insecure you pick on little kids and would beat children. Youre a nigger and I hope im on your jury and ill vote you guilty to hang you, you fucking piece of human shit.

Probably homeless trannies and mentally ill people.
The black trannies dont usually die of suicide but by murder and aids.

Somebodys mad that papi hit him and called him a fag when he was a kid.

op is a hood nigger seething cuz some black people arent being the way he wants them to be

would rather have these than jamals

The dad looks like a nerd too. He's probably just happy his kid isn't some gangbanger. I also appreciate your mention of the boonies, country black folks don't get mentioned enough. We were the original blacks in this country.

Probably not because the gap dates back to the 90s and suicides are highest in the 30s category, which should have fairly few gays.
It certainly plays a role though.
You need to remember too that other races have gays. Blacks are actually more likely to be gay than whites, for example. People argue about why, but it's probably just because they tend to live in cities where it's more accepted.
I will give you some of the usual copes about the suicide gap:
>whites are older => older = more suicidal
true, but the gap persists even if you control for age
>whites are more likely to live in rural areas => less help/acceptance = more suicidal
true, and a possible explanation especially since Native Americans (also heavily rural) have even higher suicide rates
>whites have more access to suicide methods = more suicidal
True. Whites have higher gun ownership rates, are more likely to have access to industrial pesticides (a common suicide method in rural areas), and so on.
Of course the answer we want them to have is:
>whites are hated by society for their skin color = more suicidal
>whites have less programs because no identity politics to coalesce around = more suicidal
If you read my whole post, you probably believe one of the copes (or a combination of them) and disregard the "preferred" answers, but don't. The rate of suicide is just so staggeringly different, that none of the copes - not even all of them combined - could explain this.
White men are 35% of the population but 70% of the suicides. There is clearly SOMETHING going on, something that everyday scholars are missing.

>The suicide rate for blacks is low because the ones who have it bad die in gang violence or they are in jail and theres little to kill themselves with and if they get caught and stopped by their roommate they are living with 24/7, they then get put into solitary confinement and/or shoved into a psych ward with nutso violent people on top of being put in a near naked vest thing / straight jacket.
This is retarded. We don't kill ourselves because culturally we see it as weak and selfish.

also ODs by homeless niggers on the street and gang shit arent included in suicides.

Yup, if black people get richer and more accepted they'll have to put up with the same bullshit and degeneracy everyone else does. Enjoy your faggy sons

Honestly though, whatever the cause more white people killing themselves is a good thing. The sooner The sooner disappear the better

no blacks have no culture. you join gangs and dont have a father so you act out and get bitch slapped by the law. Then you nigger moment and get fucking shot and die. You drink and get drunk and go to jail.

You dont have access to guns and suicide methods cause youre in a fucking grave from being shot by other niggers or in a cell with nothing but a toothbrush to maybe stab yourself with while your cellmate stares at you and slaps the fuck out of you if you try and make a shiv and get him in fucking trouble.

>The suicide rate for blacks is low because the ones who have it bad die in gang violence or they are in jail and theres little to kill themselves with and if they get caught and stopped by their roommate they are living with 24/7, they then get put into solitary confinement and/or shoved into a psych ward with nutso violent people on top of being put in a near naked vest thing / straight jacket.
Kind of a combination cope you have here. First, you present what I call the "Quickest Death" hypothesis. Blacks who want to die may have a faster/emotionally easier route to death by doing something like getting involved in a shoot out, rather than a proper suicide. Sure, but how many blacks? Even at its highest, only 1 in 10 blacks is a felon. Is gang violence really killing literally hundreds of thousands of suicidal blacks? Simply put, they aren't dying in quantities large enough to cover the gap. You would have to pretend that every homicide was going to become a suicide for the gap to close.
Secondly, rates of institutionalization as a limiting factor. Again, possible and definitely a factor to some extent, but how much? There are only about 1.4 million people in the US prison system; this is roughly equal to the number of annual suicide attempts.
I think in combination, it could play a significant role. Perhaps suicidal people seek to lash out as much as possible in the ways they are acquainted with. To that end, suicidal criminals may perform consciously dangerous acts as a means of satiating an unconscious, suicidal tendency. Maybe. But how many? Enough that it evens the gaps? That, I just can't buy without seeing real evidence.

I can assure you that whites, especially the kind that infest America, are perfectly capable of ODing too.

Why are you worrying about a father actually caring for and loving his son for who he is

You're such a fucking moron man. This is why your people are on HRT pills.

My hope is that spreading this around will illicit precisely that response, user. Suicidal and depressed men (again, our core demographic unironically) will be taunted at for being born wrong. Perfect. Fantastic. Nothing could do more to benefit our movement.
This is a perfect wedge issue to use. I have no doubt about that at all.

>Sure, but how many blacks?
Literally all of them like 7 out of 10.

>Even at its highest, only 1 in 10 blacks is a felon
Youre just measuring those that have been CAUGHT.
This isnt a measurement of niggotry afoot.

>Is gang violence really killing literally hundreds of thousands of suicidal blacks?
Yes. And things they do that are suicidal gestures that get labeled as "gang violence" cause the nigger once posted on facebook that he thinks bloods r kool so therefore gang violence and now hes dead.

>this is roughly equal to the number of annual suicide attempts.
Again you dumb nigger, this is only a measurement of CAUGHT hospitalized survivors.
Just because youre a nigger swallowing john cock and smoking crack gangbanging and ealing drugs doesnt mean your entire life isnt a constant suicide attempt.

>But how many?
All of them. All consciously dangerous acts are a suicidal gesture.

Sure because they have the money to afford oxy and get hooked on it and then heroin and OD.

cope nigger

Then go forth white man. Tell your brethren your great wisdom you bring from incel boards on Any Forums, you superior specimen you

So you would make your son hate your guts and give him lifelong ptsd?
Is that what daddy did to you?

No it is probably just a white guy trolling, hence why I addressed him and asked him to spread it around. A shitskin wouldn't do that for us because it benefits our movement. Look at how this totally unrelated thread is now full of discussions on the subject, and doubtlessly white people realizing that they *are* disadvantaged, and in perhaps the way that matters most - happiness.

hes just being a good dad

Perhaps I will, honestly. I fully intend to drop the 35/70 stat the next time anyone IRL suggests that systemic white privilege exists. I have brought it up many times online and never been refuted. It even seems to be gaining traction on its own since I am seeing it organically.

he's trying but he sure fucked up somewhere along the way

You are a true nigger, worse than any nigger could be because you had the potential to do better and still chose to be a nigger.
>Again you dumb nigger, this is only a measurement of CAUGHT hospitalized survivors.
No, this is obviously an estimate based on survey data. There are far fewer suicide attempts that result in hospitalization and most do not.

Damn I wish that was my dad, he wasn't around