Say what you want about Rip but he is absolutely correct that the low bar squat is superior to high bar and front squat...

Say what you want about Rip but he is absolutely correct that the low bar squat is superior to high bar and front squat. It incorporates more muscle mass and builds the posterior chain along with the quads. It also targets the spinal extensors more. Some common criticisms
>it’s bad for your shoulders
Not it’s not. Your shoulder mobility is shit.
>it’s bad for your wrists
No it’s not. Stop putting the weight of the bar on your wrists.
>it doesn’t target your quads as much
Only by a little. It still builds your quads just fine.
>post body
Go fuck yourself.

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That’s a man

your mother is a man

Shut up, Meg

Digits and she becomes enslaved to boogie

That is not a woman. Look at that chudcel face.

Mazel Tov you attention seeking whore

This is not a woman, it's Megatron Griffin from Family Guy!

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shut up chudcel

>no u
Settle down, Meg.

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>Say what you want about Rip
he's fat and too dogmatic
>the low bar squat is superior to high bar and front squat
no, it's not.
>It incorporates more muscle mass
not really
>builds the posterior chain along with the quads
glutes and spinal erectors, yes. hamstrings, no. which is no different from the high bar squat. (high bar slightly more thoracic erectors, low bar slightly more lumbar)
>Your shoulder mobility is shit.
People have different arm lengths and shoulders structures. It's not just "mobility".
>Stop putting the weight of the bar on your wrists.
Agreed. But again, shoulder structure and arm length matters.
>It still builds your quads just fine.
Agreed. Just note that any type of squat doesn't train the rectus femoris well though.

High bar + SLDL > low bar + DL for building size and strength.

post body tranny

Front bar > high bar >>> leg press > low bar
RDL > SLDL >>> leg curls > DL

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most retarded post I have seen here in awhile

Leg press is such a meme lift

I left an update to look at this thread. I feel like the update was more importanter.

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Leg press is great
You got memed by rippletits
Many such cases

I guess it's good if you're recovering from an injury, but it's not even worth the effort of setting it up. I did 5pl8s slowly and with the machine's full rom before I hit 3pl8 squat.

I never go heavy on leg press, that’s what squats are for
I go really high volume with moderate weight on leg press. It’s a different feel altogether. Leg press obliterates my legs without an ounce of strain on my back so it’s a very good machine imo.
Too many retards on this board fall for muh machine bad meme

You forgot that he wrote cuck erotica. I honestly don’t respect him much but he does teach the main lifts pretty well. And yes low bar squat builds hamstrings. The hamstrings are one of the major hip extensors, and anyone who has done a few sets of low bar squats will tell you the hamstrings are absolutely involved.

What is her name on youtube?????

Rip has great advice for high school linemen and that's about it. There's no reason to take up powerlifting beyond a NLP if you're not getting paid for it.