Hello, I’m from Any Forums

Hello, I’m from Any Forums

I’ve come here because I’ve never had a gf and I need to get one before it’s too late and I become a wizard. What do I need to do to get a gf? More specifically, what exercises do I need to do to get a gf? I’ll start today just tell me what to do.

Thanks in advance.

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Do you talk to women at all?

That’s what I want to get fit for.

Exercise alone will definitely not do it, you need to learn how to fake being confident. That is literally 70% of the whole game

>tfw 30 and wish i had the fortitude to make it to wizard status
The pussy will not fill the hole in your heart, user. Especially modern pussy.
Seek your fulfillment elsewhere and embrace your growth

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Do x sets of until failure and superset it with pic rel or ngmi

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where can I be exposed to women?

you don't get fit to get good at talking to women
you get fit so more women accept your approaches and more women approach you.
if you just get fit you will flounder when approached by a woman

Literally anywhere social events occur

Ok well this is also what I meant. I just want to look good so women want to be with me and I can get a gf. What exercises do I need to do?

Wizard here, it's not so bad

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Truth is if it isnt at work/school, you need to develop hobbies that require groups in public in the vein of maybe disc golf, pool, those gay classes women love where you paint shit, yoga, pottery etc

This is what wizards tell me, I have a wizard friend who tells me it’s actually pretty good and he is glad he didn’t lose his virginity, and I want to believe, but also I at least want a shot at not being a wizard. This is why I’m here

shut the fuck up, it is so bad. OP, social skills before getting ripped. learn to talk before you go pumping iron and be a buff ass nigga that's going "i-- uhh.. h-hi.. i- umm.. h-hhow.. h-how are you..? umm.. i-i need.. i need to.. I-I HAVE TO GO"

If you are attractive you don't really need social skills

Unless you are a fat piece of shit, getting fit will only do so much. It'll earn you respect from dudes.

Hey OP. Exerciseman here. All these losers seem to not be giving you what you want to know so i'll help you out. If you want bitches you gotta do squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, and pull-ups. Those are the only ones bitches will suck your dick for. Hope this helps.

my brother in christ, its missing abs work

hanging leg raises are very hard to do wrong, so I recommend these

also do something for chest like incline bench press or the pec deck machine

what sports do women even like? I mean I'd like to be at least somewhat interested in it so I want to avoid shit like disc golf

If you haven't proposed by the end of college, it's unironically over
Make money and plan a yearly trip to thailand

Exercise is good. Starting strength, see sticky, is easy enough. Go do it if you don't know what's legit and what's not.

Go to college, get another degree, maybe a masters. Meet 18-22 year olds.

Be interesting. Stop playing videogames and watching TV. Do hobbies and maybe start a company.

Buy a leather jacket and sunglasses.