What diet and routine do I need to get this body type?

What diet and routine do I need to get this body type?

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lift for a year then cut for like 4-6 weeks. That’s literally it

What routine should I follow?

Anything that eventually gets your body trained evenly by the end of the week,
Upper Lower
PPL etc

I do PPLPP because it fits nice into the work days, also cause still despite undertraining legs I'm built like a trex

How do I settle on a decent program or know what to look for? Or should I just pick one and commit?

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they literally all do the same thing. the entire fitness industry is designed to sell you shit. Turn up to the gym, lift weights, hit each muscle group frequently enough. Rest enough. Eat protein. You will make the best part of your gains in 1-2 years depending how hard you go and then it literally doesn’t matter. I’m serious don’t listen to retards who got psyopped

You'll get lots of people insisting that [x] program is superior to everything but the reality is, if you do these things:
>work out consistently for a long time (months and years without taking weeks off)
>hit all muscle groups
>use sensible rep ranges, e.g. don't bench 10lbsx50 reps per set
>eat at some amount of surplus calories and good amount of protein
>get enough sleep
>don't drink/smoke excessively
you'll be in good shape. The type of program makes more of a difference the more advanced you get, and the more you differentiate into goals (powerlifting vs bodybuilding vs hybrid strength/hypertrophy etc)

If you try a program and after like 6 weeks you're just hating it, do something else. Don't try to convince yourself to just push through it forever, because 99% chance you'll just end up giving up on lifting altogether. Take a program and modify it if you have to, as long as you aren't bullshitting yourself. Like, if you decide "I don't need to hit legs" understand that you'll eventually have a weird imbalance, so you can't just ignore legs unless you're OK with that result.

For me, 5/3/1 has been my favorite program, although the way most people describe it, you should only do it once you've lifted for years. I said fuck that and I've loved it. Gains probably aren't as fast as some other programs but I also actually enjoy lifting this way and still make gains.

Alright thanks bros, wish me luck!

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>5/3/1 has been my favorite program
>40's, just off of restrictions for the last 3 months from shoulder surgery, worked out today for the first time
What is 5/3/1 and do you have any /adv/ about starting back (after losing 2 years of gains) after surgery?

Reminder that this is literally all you need to get girls

Play a sport in highschool

I don't think it makes any difference whether you're a beginner or not--just follow the advice up above about diet, consistency etc

>be young
>have good genes
>just do whatever

Man, I remember those days....

Oh and absolutely 100% ignore what anyone says about how much weight you "should" be lifting at any particular point in your progression. People are different, have different genetics and backgrounds (sports, physical jobs, lifted in the past) and on top of that people also like to bullshit to make themselves feel better. Lift what you safely can lift with good form.

That is well beyond just good genes and some exercise


this dude looks fairly short, which means he could easily fill out his frame to that extent with even half decent genetics. Every second kid looks like this in highschool athletics

Am I there yet bros?

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If you think I'm close to that
About 7 years of real disciplined lifting

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Just do a bro split for a year or two. I did:
Monday : chest triceps
Tuesday : shoulders biceps
Wednesday : back
Thursday : legs
Friday : abs and accessories
Saturday and Sunday : whatever

Picrel is me after 1 year of doing that

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Thank you.