What physical and mental influences (trainings, rituals, etc) can a human undergo in order to permanently mutate into a monster devoid of human weaknesses - such as fear, feeling of loneliness, absent-mindedness, need for love and communication, inability to sacrifice one's ego and social status for the sake of an idea?

Can this be achieved with regard to oneself?

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Emotions are temporary but your duty is eternal


Have your heart broken by a woman you love. You end up a hollow husk with no real emotions. You can pretend to have them but you are never going to feel again.

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How can a woman worth your love be vile enough to break your heart?

Lots of LSD, DMT and MDMA and infoterror

By dying. Anyone who talks like this about a woman who is alive is a gigantic pussy.

This is so bizarre to me as a 23yo khv.
I can't imagine myself giving so much shit about a person after being alone and isolated for so long. Not even a psychopath or anything, just kinda accepted being alone most of the time as a natural state of things.

I wasn't good enough for her. It's not something lifting or anything can fix. Sometimes it is like that. I'm now broken and unable to feel.

You seem to misunderstand the evolutionary impact of what you describe.
Fear is an instinct based on awareness. It is not a weakness because it is meant to make you weigh your decisions of preservation. Every creature feels fear, including predators (watch a jungle cat or a big fucking gorilla run away from the sound of a gun shot). Fear is only bad when you make a conscious choice to forego duty in the face of it.
>feeling of loneliness, need for love and communication (these are ultimately the same)
Realize why this is inborn in us all. As a species we benefited from socialization and collaboration. You need this, even if you force yourself to become feral (you can't as you grew up among people). Like fear, you must learn to make proper decisions with these feelings in mind.
This is not a weakness of condition, but result of artifical environment. Everything seems safe or stable, and as an energy conservation action you devote less cognitive abilities to your situations. This is choosing awareness -- are you starting to see the pattern?
>inability to sacrifice one's ego and social status for the sake of an idea
The majority of the human race lives this way, not because they are shallow, hollow beings, but because society has created environments of safety and stability (or at least the illusions of these).
Your problem is not weakness of human condition, its literally the opposite. You are a tamed and domesticated animal, so you've never had to sharpen your decision making in the face of these challenges. The solution is not running away from them, but developing a sense of purpose that will lead you to counter these challenges and develop a mindfulness to recognize what choices you must make more readily.

Human must dwell above the nature.

>The majority of the human race lives this way
The majority of the human race is ego-centric.

This is going to sound like some "pie in the sky" pop-psych shit, but take some time and visualize your ideal life. Who are you in your life, what do you do, what values do you espouse and live by. When you have that, you plot how do you get from point A to point Z (a where you start, Z is the ideal to leave room for the myriad of points you must encounter along the way). Then you must develop the mindfulness to act on decisions in accordance with your ideal -- you must constantly ask yourself "Is this potential action presented to me in alignment with my highest self?" Then decide accordingly
They can't in many regards. You still have to eat, sleep, shit, find shelter, etc. But you must be mindful of what is and isn't prudent when it comes to your nature.
Being afraid is not the same as not being brave.
Being alone is not the same as being independent.
Being absent-minded is not the same as inherently lacking intelligence.
Those are all choices.

You decide what you focus on, you decide what is important to you. This means you control your emotional response to things, you are not a slave to emotions. Some people have a strong desire to get a girlfriend but that's because it has such high priority / importance to them. If they were entirely focused on other things they deemed more important or that were more essential (to survival for example) there wouldn't be a strong response to the circumstance of not having a girlfriend. Now obviously we all experience that desire to some degree and we all need emotional bonding even if it's just friends or family, but again, how strong that desire is is pretty much up to you. If it controls you, you are obsessed.

>They can't in many regards.
They can't in their natural state because they are pathetic and deragned. Saint posses no need nor for food nor for sleep, vampires are being described as having strength of twenty mans.

On your way to ascension - be it light or dark - one must leave behind the ways of nature and be born anew.

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>ask yourself "Is this potential action presented to me in alignment with my highest self?" Then decide accordingly
Well you see - understanding of something not always means capacity of doing it.
It is that even in, say. sport. You may understand how to do some exercise - but it never mean you will be actually able to do it wothout tons of practice.

>Some people have a strong desire to get a girlfriend but that's because it has such high priority / importance to them.
So you are saying that low desires are born from intellectual priorities and not from nature?

You're not a vampire, champ. And you're nowhere near sainthood. You can't count on supernatural to elevate you, you must elevate in conjunction with nature.
Yes, but you develop understanding of what you must do to accomplish it. Nobody expects an obese man with knee problems to wake up one morning and run a marathon with a 7 minute mile average. But everyone has the understanding of how it can be accomplished with the consideration of time.
Developing that mindfulness is a simultaneous development of patience in the wake of goals. Its part of the reason why most people abandon their fitness journeys -- they don't develop the mindfulness around the process, they seek just an end result and want to get there as expediently and painlessly as possible, which doesn't really occur

Go fight in a war. I hear Ukraine is pretty hot right now. When people are shooting at you with auto-cannons and artillery you'll forget about all of your other problems completely. After a bit of exposure you'll become completely numb.


>Developing that mindfulness
So how do you think it can be developed? Why some man are always distracted by bullshit activities beside knowing exactly what their goals is and intellectually wanting to pursue them?

Practice. Its a light switch in the dark. It will take you some time to find the switch the first several times you need it, but eventually you'll have the location more down to a habit and will know where it is and how to get with it without as much effort.