Whats your opinion on full body work outs vs. Split training?

Whats your opinion on full body work outs vs. Split training?

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Full body is shit other than for newfags when your at newfag strength level, when the weights are so light, you can get away with training your entire body with multiple compound lifts, and be ok, remember your warm-up sets are barely anything, because the weight is so light, so the time spent per exercise is very low, allowing you to actually do a routine in a timely fashion, and not just that, but also have the energy to do it.

But when your strength is at a decent level, you will need much more warm-up sets, you will need more rest between sets, and you wont be able to perform multiple compound lifts one after the other and do them properly to the point of being able to progress on them. It just becomes too much of an annoyance, tiresome and redundant way to train.

A bro-split or PPL is better, as one those routines you do 1 heavy compound lift at the start, and then do assist/accessory/isolation lifts after that 1 main heavy compound lift. This way you are still doing the heavy compounds, but you're doing 1 per session, instead of 5, and you're also getting way more muscles trained on-top of it that you wouldn't have otherwise ever trained properly.

>bro-split is better

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When you say decent strengh youre talking about multiple years of training?

full body is good enough for 1 year maybe less for normies to get the gist of it and learn proper movements if necessary, obviously you can't built specificity or go bodybuilding on it so sooner or later one must switch to some kind of split or another

Wow! Truly an informative and useful post Sir Anonymous! Your profound wisdom will be passed down for generations! Truly a visionary and genius of our time! Upvoted!


The thing is i have a build in gym in the house (its a physical therapy thing) and they offer a whole body training for a good price. Basically a machine for every muscle group and cardio but electric weight management.

xDDD Quite a good post there good sir!!
I'm so glad you could respond and be useful to this wonderful board!
Le epin Anonymous strikes again!

post body faggot but you wont

Do fullbody if you like long training sessions and split if you want to leave the gym quickly.

what pt are you doing and why?
specs of the machines?

Can I just do squats, deadlifts pull ups, leg press and bench press every day?

Every time I mean

Had to go there because my lower back is a bit fucked and causing pain. Then i saw the gym in there and thought its probably a good start to get in shape. About 15 machines id say. No weights like i said

Everyday as in no rest? You can go ahead and try it but it will burn you out pretty quickly.

He means they're just to get your muscles and brain used to actually firing and to get the right technique so you don't become crippled with heavier weights. After a month or two of that you should start doing split training. You're simply not building muscles with 10 minute sessions per muscle/muscle group

Kinda. Do step down or whatever that shit is called where you increase the weight for like two weeks, then 1-5 rep max third week, then go down to a level slightly higher than at week 1 and repeat

as long as you start doing something man, if they do pt they're probably well versed in joint health and correct movement patterns hopefully, you can ask them or look up on the internet for joint bulletproofing and stuff like that, very good base for anything, eventually you'll figure it out regarding full body vs splits etc.
just start doing something.
the machines sound like a terrible long term investment.

full body workouts are great for people that "don't want to end up looking like a body builder", that love working out but dont want to see any results

>leg press

Wheres the


Yeah im gonna start that way and move to a real gym later on. Thanks guy!