Where my heroin bros at

where my heroin bros at

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>Dead by overdose

>This thread officially belongs to GangAlcohol

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taken a year break, watching COPS and feeling nostalgic for the chase of buying.

It's super easy to street buy in san diego which I have to do cuz no frens

imagine actually just straight up shooting up heroin, taking that needle that has been god knows where and sticking it into you and plunging that brown fluid into your bloodstream, I could never do that

>where my heroin bros at
ODing in their own bodily waste or sucking dick for their next fix.

Based beveraged driver.

i've thought about trying it, but i'd *never* inject it. it's a line i just never will cross. is smoking it good enough, or do you lose too much of it?

the H itself has a murkier origin. It's pretty easy to get a needle, people on the street will even sell you clean ones (it's pretty easy to tell). It gets you super high and doesn't hurt

eh, at least they have something to be passionate about. And society is pretty fascinated with crime shows

it's more that I don't want to smoke that congealed rotten bbq sauce that is black tar. Cheaper, too. Shooting is actually super clean and easy. If you just start with a super small amount you will not OD.

will sell sister for heroin

>at least they have something to be passionate about.
It's an addiction not a passion, but hey if I had the money I'd drink myself to death so I can't judge to much.

they are addicts, but more to escapism than a specific drug. The physical addiction will wear off, but they will still go back to it 99% of the time

In the UK you can get clean needles for free, and you can get your H tested for free too. It's an easy progression to H too - oral pain meds; snorted pain meds; snorted/smoked heroin to shooting.
Starts off with the first highs being the best, then chasing it after that, then being totally fucked if you don't keep doing it....

i'd rather smoke than pierce my skin

it doesn't really hurt, and you can choose a tougher spot like the top of your arm if that's easier for you

Image would have been better if you replaced female with heroine also fuck drug fags.

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for me, its stims like Adderall or coke. I would do heroin if I knew it was pure, however.

how do i unironically stop this shit im tired

I desperately wish I could find clean h in the states because I'm at the point where I will inject chemicals to know what love feels like. Also ODing is a rather pleasant way to go by all accounts.

i know it doesn't hurt, it's just a prick, but i've always associated getting pricked with needles as something for doctors/nurses to do to me for taking blood and stuff. i don't want that to be me doing it.

728 days now
it never gets better

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