Why did trannyism become mainstream so quickly?

>trannies are barely heard of in mainstream society
>when normies are aware of them, they laugh at and mock them
>mainstream media outlets don't really give them much coverage
>people talk about "LGBT" but really all the focus is on the gay part
>anyone who claims to be "non-binary" is laughed at and made to be a fool

fast-forward a few short years...

>trannies have catapulted to complete and total mainstream acceptance
>normies all started putting pronouns in their social media profiles to "show solidarity with transfolk"
>mainstream media outlets are 100% behind trannyism and support it as a serious ideology (pic related)
>"LGBT" now basically just means TTTT, no one even talks about gay people anymore
>massive waves of zoomers are coming out as trans and non-binary and genderfluid and everyone has to take them deadly seriously or risk cancellation
>in many western countries you can even be arrested for being "transphobic" online (this happened to a guy in norway recently)

How the fuck did shit change so quickly? How did this transgender phenomenon, which was an extreme fringe ideology just a few short years ago, become so mainstream so fast? How does such a minority have such powerful and unstoppable power over western civilisation?

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l wonder who it could be bahind all of it.

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It is a real mystery

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the fuck you talking about, outside of the internet i have not seen any trannies in real life. maybe you should touch some grass lmao. I don't know where you live that you are seeing trannies on such frequent ocassion

Modern medicine has made "sex reassignment" surgery possible. It has become big business in America.

Any Forums is wrong about homosexuality, it is not a choice, there is a part of the brain identified responsible called inah-3, however "gender dysphoria" is not innate like homosexuality. There is nothing in evolutionary psychology to support the idea there is a part of the brain dedicated to "body image" for each gender and there is no neurological evidence. The cause therefore must be their experiences in life, always preferring media and toys aimed at girls and so on. Instead of figuring out the root cause of their anxiety or depression, there are people now telling them that yes, they can be the other gender and selling them this surgery. Which, as advanced as it is, still comes with risks, frequent infections and other problems and most definitely makes their lives worse.

This is the great irony, the people trying to help them tell them the truth and they don't like it, the people manipulating them tell them what they want to hear.

Is it really a "fringe ideology" when it's just a mostly disparate group of people?
Caitlyn Jenner's interview with Barbara Walters (2015) was a big deal.
And I imagine that Trump getting elected and the alt-right gaining ground prompted liberals and the left to go harder in their support of the alt-right's targets.

>homosexuality is not a choice
It is not really a choice to get molested by a teacher or uncle as a teenager or child, I agree

post hoc fallacy

The insane left wing shift of the professional-managerial class after 2012, Obamas second term, is well documented. It is when they went super gay and tranny, BLM, open border immigration, etc. in ways that were just totally unprecedented in history and could not be predicted. These days we just call it woke but yea that is when it started. The Trumpvictory definitely was a factor but it was in place before that (remember when they were saying to wear safety pins to be an ally towards fags and blacks and immigrants after his election?).

>I don't know where you live that you are seeing trannies on such frequent ocassion
It's not so much about seeing them just randomly walk about in the street, I don't really care about that or what people do with their private lives. They can be tranny if they want, I'm not "triggered" by their mere existence.

What I'm talking about is more the promotion by the media and institutions. How this thing which was an eccentric fringe lifestyle choice just a few short years ago now has complete and total backing by all the media, governments and authorities, at least in Anglosphere countries.

And if you are found to be stepping out of line with the pro-trans ideology, they try to ruin your life. I'm not talking about celebrities there, but ordinary people. Someone like JK Rowling is never going to be "cancelled" for her opinions on trans (Although it's telling that she receives such vitriol for disagreeing with progressives on just one solitary issue), but the ordinary common man or woman can absolutely in 2022 be exiled from mainstream society and even face legal consequences if deemed to be "transphobic".

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Do you have sources? I actually don't remember most of that. I do remember noticing a lot of normalfriends on twitter being "woke" before 2016.
You're right on BLM too, that started in 2013.

they received a ton of funding. dont know from who though.

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but I don't understand, it just sounds like Any Forums schizos, explain to me why exactly they are behind something like this? And what the point is???

>Why did trannyism become mainstream so quickly

aggressively pushed onto children over the years. there was a story not long ago where a mother found out her daughter was being groomed into being trans. her school referred to her as 'him', gave him a masculine name, made him use that name while at school. and NEVER told the mother about it, the daughter never said a word about it to her mother either.

then the school brings in the mother, tells her she's a terrible parent who is misgendering her child and called child protective services on the mother.

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>What I'm talking about is more the fact that I spend too much time on Any Forums swallowing anti trans propaganda
Remember, user, it's very easy to hate people. Trannies are just your personal scapegoat

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Thinks like this along with many other things made me lose faith in democracy. If I had been born to an old political or banking dynasty, the whole world could be under my control with propaganda.

one of my sisters is a he and the other is a they, and they both demand my parents refer to them this way or theyll cut them off. im rofling

and just like that Any Forumscels STILL can't give a thorough reasonable explanation without sounding like a fucking insane person

>aggressively pushed onto children
Not really.
But queer children are aggressively bullied, shunned and ostracized everyday by bigoted people like you.

if youre really out here trying to argue with the "da jooz" people youre just stupid. its just a meme.

>it's real
that is just silly
nigga you cannot have a period

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so psychiatrists arent diagnosing gender nonconforming kids as transgender? and prescribing them damaging puberty blockers? oh well thats good.

i was afraid that the strides in acceptance of gender nonconforming behavior were being undone by people who went right back to thinking that a boy who wears a dress has a disease. except now, they dont try to cure him by making him into a "normal" boy, they try to "cure" him by making him into a girl.

same shit

Legacy media died. Check out the numbers. When less than a percent of the population participates a group always gets weird.

They seem disconnected from reality because they are disconnected from reality.

100 percent of tumblr or twitter might be trans but 99 percent of the population ignores them completely so they have to get more extreme for more attention.

The transexual is basically the culmination of all liberalist ideas about humanity, identity and freedom. This ultimate expression of narcissism is also the ultimate expression of rebellion against nature and objective reality, against the Absolute.

For the left-wing and mainstream conservatives, a transexual is perfect icon of what their ideology supports. For everyone else, it's the logical extreme of classical liberalism and the final condemnation of those ideas. Liberal ideas will probably stay with us forever, but never again will they be taken as unquestionably good in all circumstances.

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it is. im not saying bullying fags is ok but dont pretend that parading some "drag queen" freak of nature in front of kindergartners isnt aggressively pushing those ideals onto them.

Read Culture of Critique

>except now, they dont try to cure him by making him into a "normal" boy
You mean they don't try to forcefully shove a queer individual inside the closet, making them repress their identity and causing them even more pain and suffering?
Good, we've made some progress.
You know what's truly damaging? Your hatred for trannies.

The trans thing is really going to blow up in peoples faces. My mom is liberal as they come and drew the line when my sister went trans. She will never ever call her "he" - and a lot of other parents shes talked ro share this experience, especially when their kids are absolute trenders like my sister. Every nutso trans zoomer you see is two parents who have been pilled that going trans is insane.

I dont, no. I have not seen it talked about much the past few years, but it is easy enough to compare how Obama talked about fags in 2008 versus 2014, or how Dems went from at least making lip service about border enforcement to demanding open borders.

You dumb fucking shit bag.

They used to call a gay boy diseased, and say he should be a straight boy.

Now they call a gay boy diseased, and say he should be a woman.

Is that explained simply enough for you? Any questions? I'm bi and I've had a man's fingers in my ass so don't try to call me a fucking conservative.