New swear word: stum

gross idiot st*m

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no YOU are the stum

Yeah but what does it mean, Rain?

Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.

eat a cuck stum

stummy post

>no impact
>no racial background
a woman made this post

Its cute though, just like women. Stupid stum :3

found the stummer

no + women suck

you suck and eat cucks you stum

makes no sense + you're bpd

>hurr bpd durr"
Lmao get a load of this stum

mad + you have an eating disorder

cuck sucker

stum ass nigga

you're an even bigger stum than OP, you stummy motherfucker

I know who made this post and I can identify each and every simp by name that continues to post in this thread

i know that you eat cucks

stumcel here: is there any hope at all? I'd settle for a 3/10 at this point so long as she can look past the stum

that was kinda cringe... what a stum

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I like it, i'm going to start using it. If someone asks what de fuck i'm talking about i'll just say: "an user on r9k came up with it"

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