
Can someone explain to me why society doesn't try to help incels? They just get shit on constantly which will just make them worse and more extreme. Wouldn't it be more productive for everyone if we tried to help them?

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bc they gross lol

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What exactly do you want people to do? Nowadays trying to help "cure" a hated group means you're with them. And once again, do what? Best I can think of are gentlemen's clubs.

You're a fucking faggot piece of shit and I'll explain why.

You cannot "fix" this problem. In order to attempt to "fix" this , you would have to revert 100+ years of Jewish influence and women's rights bullshit that boomers voted in. All of that nonsense, combined with social media has lead to mass hypergamy, making even the most average of males seem completely unattractive as the impossible standards for men have rapidly inflated, creating a huge imbalance in relationship dynamics. Women now will dump men over the slightest inconvenience, and would literally die alone instead of settling with a sub par man.

Tldr: unironically women's rights, Jews and social media.

That's just the nature of people. They'll bully anyone they feel is inferior to them, makes them feel more validated in their own lives and provides a hit of dopamine. The consequences aren't even considered.

>Jewish influence
stopped reading, kill yourself stormfag

All societies have chastes/classes, they don't dissappear they just get renamed.

people try to help incels constantly by telling them the truth - that their problems are entirely in their own head and entirely of their own making
they refuse or are incapable of seeing this, even though it is blindingly obvious to the rest of us
the mockery is an attempt to snap them out of it. those who are ignorant of how ridiculous they look are particularly tempting targets for mockery. incels and tranners have that in common

These are the correct positions. Incels have received help but it's not the help they want. Plus most incels are autistic and autismos are extremely hard to be around for extended periods of time because they're self absorbed. When you talk to them it's like talking to a wall that's simply waiting for its turn to speak again. It's a waste of time.

Because society never helped anyone. Niggers and faggots are treated like that because of a western kike propaganda, not because there were people that felt bad for them

look at how hard it is to even TALK to a woman, without even know each others identities, or seeing each others pictures.
If you can't talk with women without them seeing you, how can your appearance not matter?

It's not hard to talk to women at all. I had a 3 year relationship with a girl I met in league and it started out with me talking shit while kicking her ass. Turns out we lived nearby. It's not difficult at all

The only concrete way to deal with the incel problem is radical anticapitalist economics to restore ideas of community and so on. Nothing else will actually do the job.

Of course, this is difficult because the liberal establishment will do whatever it can - including alliance with the (far) right - to prevent this.

Because the existence of unfortunate innocents disproves any notion of inherent justice or karma in the world, and it is on such notions that normie ideology is built. Incels can't be helped. If someone can't be helped they must be actually choosing not to be helped or not deserving of help. Therefore, those who can't be helped are at fault for and deserving of their misery, even if they themselves didn't cause their misery. Such is normie thinking.

I only once managed to get a contact from Any Forums, and hypothetically these girls should be as easy to talk to as anywhere else online, right?
I think I look decent enough unlike most self identified incels, my problem is even getting contact in the first place.
The type of girls I would just meet at a bar or something REALLY are not my type, so I am exclusively looking through places I can tolerate.

>Can someone explain to me why society doesn't try to help incels?
The same reason it doesn't try to help rape survivors, with the only difference is it pretense for helping them. The point being if you're a victim of *anything*, people will hate you for it.

yeah, there's been studies that found this approach only worsens the problem, not "help" it. it's not even exclusive to incels.

Why do you think the majority of people were against Joker being made? They hate you, they don't want to validate you, they don't want to understand why you're disenfranchised, and don't want to help you.

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People have tried to help incels. The problem is, incels are so deluded and hysterical that they just won't listen. If an incel just took a step back, critically looked at what they were writing and thought about how others would see it, they would understand how laughably pathetic they sound, and maybe come to understand why they drive people away. Lots of guys have bad experiences with women, bur they don't let it define them because at the end of the day, it's just a person

Why would they? What would be the profit of doing so?

Why would you speak to a Chan girl? I spoke to one here once back when I had massive anxiety and needed to be drunk just to go see my best friend, she saw my post and we swapped deets. She tells me she's just wanting to chat, nothing lewd, and she hasn't added people before. Within an hour or two I have her nudes and find out she's high on coke and is a Canadian school teacher. Found out later there were dudes here who legit thought they were in love with her. A crazy drug addicted they'd never met.

Point is, the guys here are pathetic simps and the women are crazy. Look elsewhere

The fact that he had to make this video and feel proud of the fact that he wouldn't rape a sleeping chick shows that this guy must be a massive piece of shit and have underlining douchey traits.

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Truth. Also that dude looks so fucking autistic. Autists can't lead shit.

That webm is so fucking gay, it makes me hate the Zoomer race.
>Why don't they help?
Because normies don't know why they are where they are socially and economically. They want to believe it's because they're so smart, industriousness, confident, and talented. Obviously this isn't true as the average normie isn't any of those things. They want to deny their own lived experience of years of advantages and encouragement leading them to where they are. The last thing they would want to believe is that their at least partially responsible for incels. For every one Chad slaying, their are now 2-3 incels getting nothing but their dick in their hand.

This is why they offer endless platitudes and blather about "just be yourself" and "be confident". As if that's going to help some guy who sat in his room and talked to like 10 people over the last 5 years. They don't know WHY they succeed, they just do. In essence, they just succeed as themselves, and believe your failures are your own. I can't tell if this is pure just world fallacy or whether it's some slimy neoliberal "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" type of social Darwinism.

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Lmao good point. Oh yea, well I wouldn't rob elderly old ladies at gunpoint! Take that, society!
Implying autists even get invited to parties.

Does that faggot think he wouldn't get a knife buried in his skull if he tried something like that?

There is only so much pussy to go around.

Any guy that I help to get pussy means there is less pussy left over for me.

If I could make every other guy on Earth into an incel, and help NO ONE, that is what I would choose to do.

Autistic hands wrote this post

Not necessarily. Parties, maybe because people who party are generally young. My friend group has an autist in it. He tries hard and he gets invited to a lot of things but not everything because he can be very difficult to be around. Saying inappropriate things, insisting on his own way even though there are 12 other people there, not listening to other people talk or, what it seems a lot of autistics do, he'll ask for help or advice or your thoughts on something and if you don't 100% agree with him he'll ignore what you said, even if he's wrong.

It can be very difficult to deal with and as an autist they don't always bring a lot to the table socially so you're inevitably having to do a lot of work just to include them. That being said his autism is also what keeps him around, we've had neurotypicals who don't have an excuse but act the same way and we slowly ice them out.

So you feel pity for him and invite him around so he doesn't feel bad. Such a saint, they should make a statue for you.

The hard truth that normalfags don't want to deal with is that most incels are some combination of mentally ill and ugly. They have always existed.
In the past, these men would have just been auxiliary drones, to live and die quietly while upholding society. Today with the advent of the internet and NEET culture, these spare men can spend their time crying on forums instead, which makes them visible.