The 35 year old Kiwi Farms user

>Spend your life on a autistic site a-logging lolcows, calls other people NEETs

>Feel good that no matter how pathetic you are, at least you don't have a thread.

>Complain about your IRL friends

>Think everyone around you IRL is a lolcow and you are the only sane person

>Every mistake someone does will never be forgiven and be autistically documented, still complain about cancel culture

>DSP and Dobson are the devil

>Null is God

Attached: unnamed (10).png (1001x152, 171.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

accurate I am addicted to kiwi someone made a thread about me but null is based and banned the cunt

Funny you should mention it, the other day I got thinking about what would make someone a user of that site. For them to be on there and spend as much time on it as they do, they have to be just barely above their victims in the social hierarchy, most likely NEETs with few if any friends.
And the psychology behind it is basically this:

man sure are a lot of lolcows getting pissy at kiwis today kek

it is a entertaining site but I can assure you we are all losers just coping if you end up on that site just ignore it who fucking cares the less you react the less lulz we have to work with don't read the shit and it wont exist

They have a thread on us.
Guess how many pages.

Also I guarantee most are females desperate for Null

I am a big poster there and diagnosed as ASPD and highly narcassitic also a sociopath so for me kiwi is just a way to express my evil tendencies. I was born to be a villain.

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Oh I never realized it was DSP there. I would go fuck with his private clubhouse, but it's dead now. (now idea how that happened to such charming people)

if we are all anonymous who fucking cares if they are talking about us we are all one person at that point did you see robwoof mentioned in thread lol I did

you're so cool dude

What even is their stance on things
They'll go "We aren't a monolith" but most are like 80s era conservatives, and not in the good kind.

Also help you if you ever criticise Null.

If I met one IRL,I expect they'd be pretty shallow and pretty miserable people with nothing really going on.

They really make an issue out of anything. Its like they hate fun.

>They'll go "We aren't a monolith" but most are like 80s era conservatives, and not in the good kind.

Lol, explain.


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if you're being rightfully indicted by fucking Any Forums you know you've fucked up bad

Is that what's happening? Can you explain?

Another Kiwi Farms user.
How is it that KFs is still going without being a massive joke.

Why do we have good relations with these autists.

They are so easily annoyed its hilarious, you have a bit of fun and they all lose it. Null and the site had a massive fit when splinter forums started up.

Attached: OIP.jpg (180x240, 6.25K)

someone made a thread about a user called robwoof and everyone is seething aka just robwoof but since 60% or so of this board is him it seems massive

It's hard to explain.
They all want to be on the moral high ground saying how wrong and how evil X lolcow is and how terrible they are.

This comment kind of explains KFs userbase politically speaking

Attached: KF Users.jpg (1500x128, 44.97K)

There are more where this came from.

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TL;DR who fucking cares cunt

"I no longer have autism"

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