Toxic Feminism

Hey zoomers of arcanine, has anyone else noticed how prevalent toxic misandrist feminism is on the TikTok platform? Maybe it is just my for you page trying to piss me off, but I am seeing TONS of women out here who have a chip on their shoulders the size of cinderblocks, hating on men and saying that women have it so bad. They are even up front about feminism being about benefiting women rather than equality, not even pretending anymore. Are men and women destined to hate each other?
And it is a LOT of women. Shit is scary

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Women ain't got shit bad lmao

>I am seeing TONS of women out here who have a chip on their shoulders the size of cinderblocks, hating on men and saying that women have it so bad. They are even up front about feminism being about benefiting women rather than equality, not even pretending anymore. Are men and women destined to hate each other?
>And it is a LOT of women. Shit is scary
Don't care, I just jerk off to them and then close the app lmao

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Tiktok is for teens and little kids, what are you doing there user? Take a sit, over here

>tik tok
i'm not a teenage girl nor a faggot, I don't care what those do on tiktok

It's very prevalent in my age group (college). I used to hang out with a decent group of girls, probably about six or so, and they were all unbelievably misandrist. Whenever a mild inconvenience happened - for example, a date was subpar - you could bet a "kill all men" rant was inevitable. The worst was the sexist offhand comments they would make, "You wouldn't understand as a man" "Typical man behavior" (I'm eating pizza)

Fortunately, not all people are like this. I cut all of them off and hang out with normal people who respect my gender. But it is certainly more prevalent than people give it credit for. My group feels like a rarity.

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Thats pretty much every mainstream platform nowadays. have you been living under a rock? our best bet now is to wait for it to all get to the tipping point where society completely and utterly collapses, because theres no chance of reigning it back now. I regularly shill radical feminism and trannyism in various places for this reason

Every woman is born evil and abusive.
All women hate men and seek to hurt them while boys are taught to never defend themselves or even acknowledge the fact.

No. While you may think it's every platform, that just goes to show how much you have not been on tiktok. The amount of misandry that you see on other apps is bad, but its nothing compared to the cultural climate on tiktok. So many videos on there are sickening, just way over the line. Sometimes I feel physically ill and have to close the app. But I know that its almost entirely ignorant children who are being given a target to blame and an outlet for their frustrations with their own life and are just reacting emotion-first instead of thinking about what they're saying. Kind of like this place towards women. I have faith that gender wars will be behind us in the future.

It's a Chinese app, Chinese citizens have a limit on using it, and feminism was always a tool to destroy societies. Put the pieces together.

>wtf girls have no problems
Spoken like someone who has never talked to a single girl before. I could explain but you wouldn't understand because you're the kind of people who go "a few individuals, teenagers even, hate my entire sex? Then I hate their entire sex!" so you probably would decide not to understand anyway.

you really couldn't expose yourself more as a woman in this thread by extrapolating only that point out of all the discussion. go shit up another thread

Women's problems are made up by themselves. Even when given endless support and solutions they'll ignore it because drama and attention is their priority.

Of course women have problems
Everyone has problems
What women have done is somehow convince the world that their problems invalidate the problems of men while also stating men are the cause of all their problems
Fuck that

I don't know but I think to be fair we probably started it. Although if that mattered it would be boomer women complaining, but it's actually the most privileged white girls doing it. Funny that
And honestly you guys get offended so easily. Look at these replies.
Super mad. There's no reason to be mad. It's just that testosterone makes people quicker to get angry and people don't like that. It's double jeopardy after they start dissing men and you defend yourself. But for the original reason, people like women because they are less antisocial and aggressive. Potentially sexual gynophilia is also more common? Eh
>Are men and women destined to hate each other?
Yes maybe. You have to wonder how innate it even is, or if it's just a labelled identity thing. If men and women were more similar would it matter or would the differences get highlighted anyways. Do people only hate for personal inadequacies? Well. No one is perfect. I never said I was anyone's lifelong friend. Real people get angry sometimes

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>the chinese app is throwing a bunch of toxic stuff at me, so obviously it's very prevalent
please fuck off and uninstall that disinformation bullshit from your phone

This. Men are indoctrinated as young boys to love and respect women. Constantly taught to mind then, and even after all that feminists still shill dumb shit like, what was it, teach men not to rape.

Women are never taught or browbeat to treat men right. They have never cared about the men and boys who suffered

I don't see how is mad at all. Unlike the other two who really are just mad this guy has a point. A large amount of women really do believe their suffering invalidates the suffering of men who they see as having more privileged lives even though it's becoming more and more apparent men have issues too. Feminism, for all it's talk of equality, has no history of caring about men and as the sexes begin to reach some type of parity this is becoming harder to ignore. Add this to a generation of women raised to believe feminism in it's current form is God's gift to humankind and you can understand how even normies are starting to realize we're gonna have a male crisis and female problem in the future.

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Women are always more emotional and angrier than men. And they commit more than half of domestic abuse directed towards kids. You know why? It is because women are violent and weak, so they have to prey on a group that is weaker than them. That being little kids. Sick, evil, vile women

It's bad for trannies like you who are built like bitches. Your feminity and faggotry is what's wrong with this world. Quit playing dress up and be a man, queer.

This is okay because it is how it always has been. Marriage and relationships have been a game of cunning and stakes since forever. However, what is not the same as it always has been is the sudden slew of advantages the modern female receives. In general the modern female is held to much slacker moral standards, has a distinct advantage in all professional employment and admission into academic institutions, as well as advantages in their treatment in court. (Or at least it can be said to be so in the Western World, though it has also extended to nations that are not poor but not western either, such as China. The result is a general state of disllusionment among men even more so than what is typical.

That is mainstream gynocentric western culture. have you been living under a rock?

>shrugging off widespread toxic behaviour as just "minority outliers", rather than addressing the issue

Found the Feminist

>They are even up front about feminism being about benefiting women rather than equality, not even pretending anymore

This is the exact truth

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I was hoping the tired old line about it being a vocal minority was the truth. I really did not want to accept the reality, that being that the world is an evil and sick place that hates me for being born man

He says "Fuck that" he's mad.
>What women have done is somehow convince the world that their problems invalidate the problems of men while also stating men are the cause of all their problems
Sometimes but not always. They have some legit problems. Usually politician men have most of the ability to solve them. In democratic societies the voter base is important too. This is why they get mad when dudes don't care. I can understand that. In an ideal world people would be existentially motivated to make others happy, right?
>Feminism, for all it's talk of equality, has no history of caring about men
Yeah but the same people pointing that out don't take issue with any of the male problems. Male problems are social (people dislike you and don't trust you). They're not legal or anything. Like people say nobody cares about male depression. I don't think many care about female depression either. There are few things that specifically affect men badly
>Your feminity and faggotry is what's wrong with this world
I don't even know how to respond to this shit. I'm just a masochist not a faggot. Maybe it's funny that I'm feminist too. I'm tired of people predicting people's behavior by their sexuality. Why do you act like an asshole? Aesthetics of masculinity won't make me a more responsible person. I know I don't make a good man

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>Yeah but the same people pointing that out don't take issue with any of the male problems
Usually because so few people care to listen to make problems unless it's brought up in comparison to female problems. How miserable would you be if the only way you could spread awareness about women's problems was to tack them on to men's?
>Male problems are social (people dislike you and don't trust you). They're not legal or anything
I mean by that logic women don't have any problems either. It's illegal in just about every western country to discriminate against women in any way, so legally theres nothing left to do for women. In fact, I'm pretty sure at the moment women technically legally have more rights than men in the form of exemption from selective service (the draft) at least in the U.S. And yeah, you could look at things such as the glass cieling as a legal problem but when the law already protects you from it it turns into a matter of crime, which is also something men are a victim of.
>There are few things that specifically affect men badly
Maybe if you cared to look at men with the same amount of empathy and sympathy you look at women you could find them. You said it yourself: people dislike and distrust men. Including you. So why would they, and by extension you, care to even acknowledge the things that affect them? Do a bit of digging on problems men have and then look to see how much has been done to combat it. Especially what feminists have. Marvel at the inaction and then ask yourself this: how is it fair that men are supposed to care about women's problems when women (and even other men) won't do the same for them?

>They are even up front about feminism being about benefiting women rather than equality, not even pretending anymore. Are men and women destined to hate each other?
its because they're hitting the wall soon and have no kids, so they blame it on men not wanting to settle down with a whore who slept with 100 guys. they know the cock carousel ride is over for them.

>I really did not want to accept the reality, that being that the world is an evil and sick place that hates me for being born man
You should accept it. And you should be wanting to burn this society to the fucking ground.

>I mean by that logic women don't have any problems either. It's illegal in just about every western country to discriminate against women in any way, so legally theres nothing left to do for women.
Yeah legally isn't a good word. It's actually social too just in a different way. Like you said in terms of professional careers and getting respect. The law doesn't fix everything. And there's specific problems like women's health which affect only them but don't constitute discrimination.
>the draft
Yeah that shit hasn't been activated in years and they would probably rework it in the modern climate
>Maybe if you cared to look at men with the same amount of empathy and sympathy you look at women you could find them.
I mean I don't really care. I'm just saying from a logical perspective. It's insane how men on this board think feminism is completely unreasonable. But it's not like I do anything to help women or men.
>how is it fair that men are supposed to care about women's problems when women (and even other men) won't do the same for them?
Even if they did do something for men most antifeminists wouldn't give a shit. Besides, you can't tell how moral someone is from a glance.
>Do a bit of digging on problems men have and then look to see how much has been done to combat it. Especially what feminists have.
Anytime I've seen this I see that feminists at least think it's unfair. They usually try to deal with gender norms affecting people negatively men included.
I agree that for the average man this shit doesn't matter even though he's not sexist. Social media draws everyone into debate because there are some people with real problems. Then everyone starts shit flinging. And with that I am leaving this thread, since this debate doesn't matter. I recommend you stop acting like the voice of reason when your whole point is that the law is equal so we're all equal and there's nothing worth addressing.