Got a boner playing with my daughter

>got a boner playing with my daughter

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is she hot?

this always happened to me when i was a kid and i never understood why
whenever i played with pets or other kids i would get so worked up i would get a half-chub

It's normal nigger. It is a female after all. The important thing is to not act on that shit and go full libertarian. Also, as she ages, you have to define the boundaries of touch and play better.

You could act on it, but it would be opening an enormous pandora's box.

why are white people like this?

Pretty sure that's how you kill someone

>Thinking it's a white problem

Go look at the statics and prepare for major copium

Thinking it's a white problem

Go look at the statistics

Can't Imagine having a daughter finishing puberty, big ass and tits. Probably bang them

I think you need to go to therapy, user. Serious suggestion. Literally zero irony, that could be a serious problem and you need to address it.

Seconding this please seek help for this if this happens again

Those are sometimes called fight boners.

Ay yo these crackas want say the most racist word to put a nigga down, "per capita". Dey too chicken shit to say it when a hard ass nigga roll in to the thread. fr fr

Same but with my niece
does this make me a subconscious pedo? I dont find her attractive or any child for that matter


Youz right my Kang deeez white folks outta Pocket. I'm breathing so hard right now. And thats on erry thang!!

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pale hands typed this post

damn...i remember when i was a kid playing with my dad he got a boner, i remember his hard cock rubbing on my ass cheek

It's kind of an inside joke with my family and I have to stop myself from giggling sometimes when I hear someone say it IRL.

That's all right, I get a boner every time I pet my cat and she's really into it and purring and slobbering. As long as you don't service your cock to that, or to the thoughts of that it's not a problem.