What exercise best makes the voices quiet?

What exercise best makes the voices quiet?

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Med takes x frequency method

Thinkers are just maladaptive day dreamers. Google it

For me heavy deadlifts, and endurance swim/run

>endurance swim/run
Absolutely not. An endurance swim/run is the optimal opportunity for me to just lose myself in thought for a good two hours.

Anything that makes you extremely uncomfortable like long sprints.

Unironically antipsychotics. Got put on risperdal after being abused by an ex. Had epiphany about whole life, most inner dialogue ceased. Can now just get into flow with no noise.

This meem is literally me

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Inlcine bench, and make it so that the bar comes across your neck when you lower it. Signal to your mind and everyone around you that you are facing death with each successive rep. Also put a respectable ammount of weight on the bar.

>The 'maladaptive daydreaming' psychological condition was first coined by Eli Somer, an Israeli health minster.

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Do people younger than 22years old exist?really?

Take nac 1000mg in the morning while fasted. Wait 30 min before you eat. Row, row, row.

>Yes goyim, all dreams of a better life are maladaptive. Go with the flow man, it's easier

Journaling. Just write your shit down to get it out of your head. Works for me and some of the other autists I know.

>most inner dialogue ceased
>literal NPC meds

6 months of the most productive cocoon mode. Easier to parse through mental trash when you can't talk. Got off it and never looked back. As a lifestyle, would be hell. As a short term intervention, was amazing.

X3 3g Pheninut swallows

the one where you talk about your problems

Trydeworming. The gut and brain are linked. Helps think clearly about real life

me too user

That's me, but I don't like how he looks angry.
Anger is not a hallmark of schizoids.

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