2250 calories a day

>2250 calories a day
>not losing weight

Fuck... I have to drop another 10%... down to 2000 calories? Is this normal calories for an adult male who is normal height and weight with just above sedentary lifestyle? I feel like this may not be enough food. Should I keep the calories the same and just start doing 250 calories of work on the cardio machines?

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You won't die on 2000 calories a day, but if you're not doing cardio alread to then yes start

I hate men
I aim for 800 but usually eat 1100-1300 bc im a loser

Eating 1200 is torture

I’ve been eating about 2k and I’m losing a pound or so a week. I’ve been walking on the treadmill 4-5 days a week, other than that I just sit in my bed or at my pc.

>cardio machines

post body
post height
post bf%
post overall estimated TDEE
post average day of consumed food with kcal, protein, fats and carbs

and then i will give you a tailor made advice

im at 700-800
You can do it motherfucker.

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post titty boobies

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wtf do i care if your name is tailor or not?

because you are fat

Post your diet. Quality matters. If you’re shoveling your face with ice cream and coke all day that isn’t the same as actual food.

excuse me?!

Fatty bum bum

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>I hate men
I hate roasties

calories required is literally proportional to the size of your body
It's not more satisfying for a normal man to eat 2000 calories than it is for a normal woman to eat 1500 or whatever. It just costs you more money.

eating 800kcals as a 6ft man will starve you to death if you do it long enough

Fucking lift and run every other day and only eat if your stomach starts growling or your head hurts or something.

you walked right into (his) trap.


stop bumping dumb bass
im 6ft and my tdee is under 2k calories, sneed

cmon bro, i can get like 1600 calories a day max despite my love for eating, you have no excuse

You hate men because you hate your penis. Kys tranny. Leave this board.

No. If i was a transwoman, I could cut on 2000 like the rest of men. I am a bio woman

Post vagina then