Mozzarella bulk for skellys

Ridiculously cheap form of protein and fats, no sugar, high in calories. Is there any reason not to be eating 200g of mozzarella a day?

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Mozzarella isn't cheap



Can buy 100g of it for 60p in bongland

i hope its imported


Made in Italy with eu milk, good enough for me

Yeah I know, but it's barely authentic even if its sold in a bag with white water.
I used it to make sourdough chicken pizza toast, the one from sainsbury's. Its not traditional mozz though

well, it's just as bland as string cheese

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Ah well still the nutritional information doesnt lie and it tastes good so its still gotta be worthwhile

>it's not authentic curdled cheese because it's not imported from the correct imaginary line
Who fucking cares? Post body if you think it does

now that you mention it, mozzarella does seem like a primely fuckable cheese

>Is there any reason not to be eating 200g of mozzarella a day?
I'd like to be able to shit

I think skyr might be cheaper per gram of protein and with less milk fat (so you can oliveoilmaxx), but I might be wrong

I just ate over half a pound of fried mozzarella with dinner and I do that frequently kek

That's just how it works in Europe. Higher quality traditional products are historically made in specific regions. Even with a generic name like mozzarella, Italians still make it better than anyone. Try one made from buffalo milk and you won't go back to cheaper stuff.

>in blind taste tests CA wine performs on par or better than french wine
>CA makes champagne
I could not give less of a shit what you think of CA, it happens to have a good climate for many types of crops

In Europe regional trademarks are protected. Why should some random foreigners have the right to use an iconic name? Come up with your own one.

>protein and fats, no sugar, high in calories
You ideally want to bulk by adding carbs to your 'baseline' diet, protein is always ok but you don't really want to additional fat.

champagne comes from champagne, that is why it is called champagne. if it is not champagne then you can call it anything else you want, why would you try to call it champagne? if it's so good then whatever name you give it would become more prestigious than "champagne" anyway. grow some balls faggot

Anyway, the original point was different. Mozzarella is a generic name. No one prevents any company from making great mozzarella outside of Italy and sell it anywhere in Europe. And still the best stuff is made in Italy, because regions with strong food industry (in France, Spain and so on) already have their own traditional products, and regions with shitty food industry (like in Germany or England) cannot produce anything good.

yet french fries and french dressing both come from america retard

What about French toast and Belgian waffles?

??? not making your own

Gallon of milk (non pasteurized)
a lemon
curd (if this is your first time making use rennet, if youve already made cheese keep some curd to multiply your cheese in the future)

Milk makes cheese, lemon helps curd the milk, salt keeps the cheese edible for longer, curd/rennet gives it a kickstart so you can do this in under an hour

1. Put milk in bowl
2. Squeeze lemon into milk
3. Heat up milk (it will begin curding and you will see soft nuggets)
4. Drop rennet/curd, the milk will slowly get a top layer of soft curd
5. wait a little then start cutting the top layer of curd into blocks so it has more surface area to curd milk onto
6. drain whey and seperate curd
7. kneed (sneed and feed) the curd like taffy or dough until its an edible stretchy soft bubble

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because we're not ruled by Brussels, fag.

Just drink the milk