Do you really have to alternate days of exercises? Why can't I just bench press every day if I feel up to it...

Do you really have to alternate days of exercises? Why can't I just bench press every day if I feel up to it? Is there any actual data on how long you have to let body heal before you can do the same exercise?

Attached: dugin.jpg (700x983, 273.37K)

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gotta confuse your muscles as they’re bicurious

You don't build muscles in the gym, you break muscles in the gym.
If you keep breaking them and never give them time to rebuild, how are you going to see gains

Try it an find out

A faggy workout routine like that will catch up to you faster than a jogger you yelled a racial slur at

You say this but how sure are you

What is faggy about bench pressing to max everyday that's the opposite of faggy

Not the same guy, but very sure
you can experiment and try it out of course if you don't believe us

>actual data on how long you have to let body heal before you can do the same exercise

48 to 72 hours on average for complete muscle recovery

You can and you will have results, but you just will not be huge. at least not bigger than you'd without doing so. Everything you do, trains your muscle on becoming better at how you do it. Resting is part of growing

so that means AB type of 2 day splits are bad for you

Oh you can do it if you want to, but don't complain when you fuck up your rotator cuffs.

that's very faggy because I promise you by day 4 you are half repping 70% maybe

You obviously get more results benching 3-4x a week compared to 1-2x but the results will be diminishing at a point. Some people use steroids and stuff so they can train to max everyday or whatever (or just train a muscle once per week and have it grow).

You can, in theory, the problem is being able to work chest everyday while still maintaining sufficient intensity and volume to drive adaptation.

Fuck that anti White prick Dugin. He encourages Russians to take a side with Churkas against other Whites/Europeans.

if you are able to bench press multiple days in a row then you aren't training hard enough.

If you train one muscle group every day it will grow faster than if you hadn't. As long as you have adequate rest and eat enough food you can hit one muscle group every day. I did this when my chest hit a plateau, trained it daily for a month and it worked. Nuclei overload is a real thing and sometimes it's the only way to progress.

Completely anecdotal here but for the month of January I've been doing full body every day. Now I don't bench press every day but I do hit a chest exercise (DB press, Flys, cable fly, Incline Bench, etc) every day. I'm not saying rest is a myth, I'm just saying that this month I got to the heaviest I've ever been in my life and all my lifts have gone up including bench (went from 225lbs for reps to 235lbs for reps).

Yep, based. I'mI train everyday now doing PPPPPPL and make great gains and hold more water/look more pumped all the time.

I see so much backlash about this training style on here. I feel like people that shit talk it are just coping because they don't want to put in the effort.

Then they call "train everyday" and "train one movement" adherents like Eric Bugenhagen "roiders"

Attached: bugenhagenwwe.jpg (600x620, 39.05K)