Gym coach here

Name a few exercises and I'll tell you if they're based or if they're shit.

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That's a shit exercise, user.

I've went to a lot of gyms the past 10 years, and I can safely guarantee you that the average neckbeard Any Forumsizen over here knows more than the average gym coach. Go try to get an ego boost elsewhere. Maybe try reddit (although that place probably also has some very serious people)

dumbbell pullovers

goblet carries / carries / suitcase carries

unilateral romanian deadlifts

pallof presses

inverted rows

bear crawls

what’s best for building glutes, coach?

>gym coach
Yeah I'm not going to listen to your advice bud

bret contreras, youtube him

> seated single dumbell tricep extensions
> plate held weighted sissy squats
> barbell dropset spider curls
> dumbell pullovers

inb4 athleanx tier response about joints

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I never heard anyone use the term gym coach is it like a pedo gym?


All of those are not only shit but they're extremely bad for your overall health and bodybuilding fitness.

Downward facing dog, unironically. Followed by a moderate jog and some normal squats. No extra weight unless you want to be in a wheelchair by the time you're 40. Squats are not supposed to be weighted. I cringe when I see that type of thing in my local gym, and even then most people don't focus on their hip and heel placement, which even further wrecks them.

Pullovers are somewhat okay

The only thing you'll be pulling with that exercise is an early grave, bud.

Guys, stop doing these meme exercises that are ruining your lives. Seriously.

Isn't this the bitch who got canceled for saying the n word several times in a group chat full of black people


so you are an overweight highschool dropout with inflated self-importance and a 2x8h "trainer certificate"
oh and a woman?

>America has turned into a third world shithole, full of corruption, where people are brainwashed and systematically pissed on.
Literally dancing on the graves of the founding fathers at this point.

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>Downward facing dog

Good way to injure someone's back for absolutely no gain in glutes. I don't think you're a gym coach, because you don't understand even basic biomechanics.

>Squats are not supposed to be weighted
these are the people giving you lifting advice

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Ok what workouts/routines do you recommend


push ups

>gym coach
You fuckers don’t know shit, the meme shit I see you niggers make your “clients” do would get them in a gym fail compilation, I wanna rip your skull open in Minecraft you scammer fuck