The real motivations of demotivational posters

Theres seem to an idea here that all the demotivational posts you see are some sort shill raid by the IDF or discord troons. In reality its a lot more pathetic, its entirely composed of lookism incels.

For a lookism incel their ideology exists as a giant coping mechanism. The live in a constant state of self imposed helplessness because its the safest possible place to be mentally. Instead of facing the reality that improvements can be made and that there is nearly always still hope for a better life they mentally lock themselves into a cage of their own making. Why? Because their extreme pessimism is the safest place to be. It requires no effort, no change, and no conflict and is perfect suitable for their terminally online selves.

They will often project their own copes onto others attempts to improve because it remind them deep down that they themselves are living the biggest cope/lie you can conceive of and it infuriates them. So they come here and attempt to demotivate you so that they can feel safe in their copes again.

TLDR: demotivational posters are trying to maintain their cope and your existence is a threat to that.

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Motivation thread??

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bros im dangerously close to becoming one of them
Its been a downward spiral since I stopped working, I dont even lift anymore

There really are a lot if weird dysfunctional people on the 4chins. Its like the tropics but with an amazing diversity of losers instead of species of wildlife.

Another side effect of this I should mention is that since they know they are living a lie they will intentionally go out of their way to argue in bad faith or with shoddy stats (that also exist to maintain their own bubble of safety).

For example those tinder catfishing posts you see them post are a great example that. Anybody with a IQ > 80 could tell that Its the defintion of cherrypicking and self selection bias and as a result means nothing.

Another one that is a pure cope is the idea that because lifting won't make you a complete gigachad its not worth doing. But nobody but the lookism incels put the bar that high. People only want to get better, not necessarily be the absolute best. But again they put the bar THAT high because its easier to justfy doing nothing with their lives.

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Then go lift. Get a DAW, make music. Extremely fulfilling hobby even tho you will suck at it for 2 years minimum.

How do I not be an autist when talking to people, not just women? Sometimes I think I’m doing well, fitting in and then my mind tells me I’m a retard and they feel bad for me so they let me participate, even though I know that’s most likely not true

Whenever you look at their arguments you can start to see trends of half truths, once they state a fact they then usually go off on some tangent fueled by conjecture and personal seethe. Once you see this you can just ignore their argument

It's simple.

Misery loves company.

Incel here
I felt way better back before I fell for all the self improvement memes. At least then I had something to blame that was under my control.

Then I stopped being a NEET and went to school, got money, starting hitting the gym hard, etc. etc. and am just as incel as I was as a skinnyfat goober that didn't leave the house for a month at a time and bathed biweekly.

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What a lucky guy. Are there more pics of her ?

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They also are usually too dumb to interpet them correctly.

Perfect Example: Halo effect, pretty people are viewed to have better personalities.

They usually stop there, make it hyperbole and cope without understanding WHY it works. The mechanism behind it is that animals and people have a difficult time separately associating stimuli. Think of Pavlov's dog that comes to view a bell with pleasure because it cannot separate the bell's sound from the positive stimulus of the food. This works with people and faces too. Pretty face is positive stimulus, so it gets associated with everything else about them. But this also works backwards, if your personality is a positive stimulus it will make you seem more attractive by the same mechanism.

They, of course, usually leave that part out.

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I can guarantee you that 99% of them are suicidal and just so miserable with their own lives they not only dont want improve themselves but also want to bring everyone down to their level, if they had money to buy a gun they would either shoot themselves and or a bunch of other people like their idol mr rodger

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Life is all about building an maintaining status.

Lifting and general fitness is one strategy among many to obtain status. Fit people are more attractive and attractive people have a higher status than less attractive people.

People who consternate and attack those who seek fitness are trying to take the easy and more cost effective way out. They want to disincentive people from climbing the status hierarchy by throwing low cost stones at people who try to climb it. They want everyone at their level so they don’t have to try as hard. From a cost benefit analysis it makes sense.

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God knows I'm trying
The copes just aren't helping like they used to, probably because I can't really drive around or ride motorcycles in this weather anyway

you are mentally ill.

what if the person has looksmaxxed completely and is still a wizard past 33

this is exactly me

>They, of course, usually leave that part out.
They leave it out because they don't know any better.
They see a handsome guy or pretty girl in the news/social media/etc and think they have made it because of their looks, instead of wondering if there's more to it.

I agree it's highly demotivating having that shit constantly on your face here on Any Forums, but i think majority simply don't know any better

supremely based and correct post
its a great idea to ignore those posters. this is a good thread; this message needs to be heard.