Thoughts on wearing no underwear?

Thoughts on wearing no underwear?
While sleepin. i heard it is healthier for em to get some fresh air.

Attached: fit pullup.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

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god this look retarded


Do people not sleep naked? Last time i wore underwear while sleeping was in the military

I feel gross sleeping naked because I sleep with my cat in the bed. I used to wear boxers as a kid, then boxer briefs, now just regular briefs. Feels nice and secure.

Attached: 3c35b9567b3b04f56c7c3a4665475911.jpg (850x400, 47.6K)

As usual the man is doing most of the work while the woman rides along

Attached: images (2).jpg (257x196, 6.59K)

What if you have a wet dream?

well i wear underwear when I sleep now and i havent had a wet dream since i was 13

Havent had one since adulthood, but change sheets?

Slipping into a newly made bed naked is right up there with finishing a run or a great workout.

>not smooching every time they get over the bar

I wear either very loose boxers or sleep naked. Gotta let em boys breathe you feel me.

I sleep naked after having sex. Otherwise underwear, I have this weird fear that someone is going to walk into my room for some reason, and see my hairy ass on display.
I don’t lift in underwear though, I’m phoneposting from the gym between sets, wearing no underwear under my shorts. My gym has no air conditioning or fans and it’s hot as fuck in here.

A cat is not under the covers with you.

yes he is, he sleeps like pic rel but the covers go up to his head, i switch sides a couple times a night and flip him over when i do

Attached: ULPS-Cat-sleep-shutterstock_1193130121.jpg (1000x665, 79.14K)

looks like his mom

I can't understand wearing underwear while you sleep. Seriously, no bully, what for?

>What if you have a wet dream?

At first I thought they were 2 guys... i'm highly disappointed, no homo.

I would get hypothermia if I slept naked

I'd like to feel you.

Can you post your hairy buns?