What will happen if I restricted my daily calories at 1200 for two months?

What will happen if I restricted my daily calories at 1200 for two months?

Metabolism will be fucked


Would sniff

You will lose all your gains, you will have no energy, you will be in psychological turmoil, you will have no work ethic, you will ruin your social relationships, you will fuck your metabolism.

you will be svelte and handsome

Shit well what's the minimum daily calorie intake that I should have? I don't work out much and I sit on my ass all the time at work.


how to not fuck it up that bad




What would happen if i put my nose right up against that brapper and inhaled deeply

You will feel like absolute garbage 24/7 lmao. You won't be able to get anything done. No energy, brainfog, you name it.

E coli

1900 seems reasonable. If you're a few inches above or below average height or frame adjust accordingly.

Re-feed with 1 to 2 days of calories of maintaining kcal.
You usually want to be on a 5 - 6 mini cut and then "break" your cut with 1 to 2 days of eating maintaining kcal.

Really, I've been doing between 1400-1700 for the past few weeks and have been fine. I'm 5'10 89kg

So you suggest 5 days of 1200 and 2 days of maintaince? Do the two days have to be together or can be separate?

Oops second half was for you

>So you suggest 5 days of 1200 and 2 days of maintaince? Do the two days have to be together or can be separate?

If you are the average male with a daily need of 2,000 calories, and also work out regularly, you will lose about 16lbs. You will likely lose a lot of muscle mass however. I would recommend 1,500 as a more manageable cut, you usually don’t want to restrict too far beyond 500 cals a day

Wish she had a penis

you will fall off the wagon,binge in a week or 2 and undo it all

make small changes forever,you didnt put it on overnight you aint gonna lose it that fast either