Farmbros. People aren't happy. This is like 1930s Russia

Farmbros. People aren't happy. This is like 1930s Russia

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Like clockwork:
To generate revenue lets exxegerate my headline for clicks.

It was a pretty funny video. I chuckled a few times.

Bunch of mellow dramatic attention whores.

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when is this guy gonna stop playing the same 3 fucking boring ass games on stream and start doing something actually interesting

if this is the worst direct, then nintendo are doing something real good because i'm still getting hyped for their shit.

Why is this game so fucking expensive?

The Any Forumstard won't admit that Snoy's State of Play came out of nowhere and blew the fuck out of the Direct though.

>people upset about farming
>me happy to get a new fire emblem and octopath, also nice to have a release date for Legend of Zelda and my xenoblade dlc
Im happy with the direct, i might try one of these farming games

Square loves microtransactions. It really sucks because theaterythym on 3DS is legitimately the best FF game in 20 years. But you had to buy like 100 DLC songs if you wanted them all. And Square will probably pull the same stunt with this game.

>no games about grilling announced
>no games about fishing announced

>This is like 1930s Russia
The same people are in control whether you call it communism or capitalism, so sure.

>no games about fishing announced
That's like 50% of all you do in Animal Crossing.

i dont get the hype behind these
this would have been 15 minutes if they just showed off games people actually cared about
its just mostly filler to get people hyped for the "and here's just one more thing" announcement

It wasn't the worst but then they removed Radiant Silvergun from eShop so now it sucks.

So if 3rd Parties asks Nintendo to showcase their games, Nintendo should say no? When Nintendo wants to improve relations with them?

It's fun retard. Plus this was one of the best Directs in years.

>people complain for ages about the lack of decent farming sims with Stardew Valley being like the only option for PC players while Switch only has Story of Seasons and Rune Factory additionally
>here - 5 of them - choose wisely

Nintendo youtubers are all dogshit
>where is muh Mario
>where is muh Donkey Kong
>where is muh Smash
>where is muh Metroid

I like how Nintendo youtubers all turned on Kirbyfags because Kirby keeps getting a new game announced like every direct

They are mad because farming sims and rpgs don't make good stream material. That's what it is.

>This is like 1930s Russia
wtf, nintendo's gonna put people in gulags?

It's not "hype" material they can make 50 videos about
It's about their "content"

You're just starved for games you're not even gonna buy or play

Filler works on numberfaggot fanboys, they're not going to actually play any of it anyway

>Nintendo youtubers all turned on Kirbyfags
lmao, really?

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Exactly. And they can't stream a game like Theatrythm because demonitized.

it was a good direct i just wish they showed some more footage of pikmin and botw
like I'm happy they are coming out i just wish they would put a bigger focus on their main games
botw is less than a year away and we don't even know if its the same map or not, if rain is still a thing, or what other issues from the first are still there
i pretty much just skipped this one until i heard about botw and was pretty fucking surprised by pikmin 4 admittly

>if this is the worst direct
It's not. You kids are just too young to remember the legendarily bad years.

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Metroidfags only were mad that leakers have been gaslighting them for like 4 years now

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Yeah, most are tired of KIrby getting a new game like every direct
>Star Allies
>got constant updates
>after that immediately news about Kirby getting a 3D game
>Forbidden Land announced
>another fighter
>the cake game
>now a remake of Wii Dreamland
Kirbyfans are eating good and that attracts jealousy.

But the "and heres one more thing" was just Zelda which they announced like 3 years ago