Daily reminder pic related is a dumpster fire

Daily reminder pic related is a dumpster fire

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man think of all the ps3 games you could emulate on that bad boy
oh wait

why? works on my machine

Any improvements for netplay yet or is it still not a thing?

I don’t get the point of this, VLC has been around for years.

works for me

You mad PCSX2 got a new GUI, Retrotranny? Also, I'm not donating to your patreon.

Still better than attempting to 'stream' a PS3 game on PS4/5 lol

>the third world scum can't get his potato to emulate games

i got banned from the rpcs3 discord for asking some questions on how to setup the special MGS4 build because they replied back with "Is your dump legit?" No because my PS3 died years ago but i still have my games. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CANT JUST PIRATE ISO'S YOU MUST RIP YOUR OWN GAMES!!!" and i got banned. Seriously fuck discord.

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i wanted to play mgs4 since its the only one i havent played but the title screen runs at 14 fps for me

ran demons souls perfectly
all i wanted from it

Use the custom build made specifically for MGS4

Why didnt you just lie?

do you think it runs on a ryzen 3

Dunno. I have an i5-9600k and it works great.

what fps do you get?

>Pirate games
They don't care, they don't even ask
>Come in asking for help like a dumbass and admitting you pirate
Well, now they gotta say something.

it runs at 55-60 most of the time and it wont shit itself when the screen gets busy like in REX vs Ray fight.

>all emulator sites and forums explicitly say not to mention piracy in any way
>mention it anyway

I knew you were a retard from the wojak but christ you people really have no awareness at all

don't care

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That's fine, I was done with the PS2 15 years ago