Is i5 12400 and RTX 3060 enough for 1080p gaming?

Is i5 12400 and RTX 3060 enough for 1080p gaming?

Or should I go for i5 12600K?

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dude wat, 12400 can easy do 2k and even 4k, the modern cpu are VERY overpowered

the bottleneck on pc gaming is always the gpu, but for 1080p even a 1660 super will do.

I've been only owning cheap second-hand jailbroken consoles these days, so I'm not up to speed.

But yeah, I did more research and it seems 12400 is very much fine for what I want.

welcome to greatness, fren

More than enough.

That's a 1440p/light 4k setup and anyone who tells you otherwise is retarded

a modern 6c/12t cpu can take any gpu no matter the resolution without any major bottlencks. You'll be fine fren

It's even cheaper than I've expected for. Even when I added in better a PSU etc. to counteract the usual pre-built traps, which seem to be the same as ages ago. (A tweaked pre-built seems the best way these days in Japan.)

>Base freq: 2.5GHz
>Turbo Freq: 4.4GHz
>6 core, 12 thread
>MRP: $199
More than enough. Might as well save a bit of cash and go for an I5-12400F if you're going to get a graphics card too. F just means no on-board graphics processor, so you shave off like $25

be careful as many prebuilds are not upgradable ans sometimes even the gpu are not removable or very low quality

today pc gaming is all about finding a good gpu for a good price, nothing else.

5600X shits all over any i5 intel ever made.

That's a worry. They're only listed without specific description.

I suppose I can ask some guy in a store.

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I don't recommend it. Still being able to use your PC if your GPU goes down is worth an extra $25

I'm playing games like FF7R and Elden Ring maxed out settings at 4k on a Ryzen 5600x and 3070. You'll be completely fine for 1080p.

Considering he's getting an RTX 3060 I'd hope it doesn't break before he considers a CPU upgrade

What motherboard you getting, OP?

Where I'm looking now,, it's only specified as a B660.

Another potential trap?

I should clarify, this is fine if all you're doing is playing. If you want to stream while you play, you may want to opt for something with more cores, the 12700 is where I'd go but it's twice as much but if you get popular and you can monetize your streaming, it's a worthy investment.

I'm not gonna get popular.

That's alright. Won't be able to overclock anything on it though, which is okay as you're not getting a -K CPU.
Just checking to see what potential upgrades you could get in the future.

See, there's usually different design standards of motherboard too. I know with Asus there's
>Prime: Better value for money
>TUF: Higher quality, more geared towards gamers, more peripheral ports, larger heat sinks
>ROG: Higher quality still, loads more peripheral ports and other gamer nonsense
>Pro: More for internal features, like thunderbolt, faster ethernet processing, etc.
And then there's form factor for size, which only really changes how many PCI-E slots, RAM slots, SATA ports etc. you might have, again depending on the design.
I've got two MicroATX boards here, one that only had 1 PCI-E slot and 2 RAM slots that was for 7th gen, and a newer one that's got 2 PCI-E slots and 4 RAM slots for 10th gen.

One trap to look out for is the clockrate on your RAM. Your 12400'll only support up to 3200Mhz, and as you've got a locked CPU and a locked motherboard in terms of clockrate, if they try to go over, then that's just wasted money.
Not that memory clockrate really matters much above 2400

dude the hell is that blind purchase shit, is that site even reputable?

>Blind purchase
Yeah nah, you don't wanna go with that. Person I know bought from a blind purchase like that and is still waiting over a year later.

a 4790k and 3060 is still good enough lol get the cheapest current gen cpu you can and you’ll be fine

But aren't consoles 8 core and games slowing going 8 core. So you might as well future proof.

CPUs have nothing to do with resolution. It's about fps. But it's fine probably unless you plan to run something in 360p with all low.

It's one of the major PC stores in Japan.

I'm gonna presume it's some no-brand basic GPU. I'm only looking at the site for info, I'd do the actual purchase in person and ask about this.

That's not an issue. They promise a delivery it in few days.