Here's your NFT blockchain metaverse game bro

Here's your NFT blockchain metaverse game bro

Attached: 1570003058964.webm (960x720, 1.72M)

Kek, the longer you look the worse it gets

what game?



stolen YouTube comment
Here are all the games and where you can spot them

Mario 64: literally the world this is happening

Mario kart: the "1st" in the bottom left

Minecraft: bottom middle

Fortnite: health and shield bar just above minecraft, also the compass top middle

Runescape: minimap on top right

Lego star wars: top left

Portal: the crosshair

Doom: the guy firing the shotgun

Dark souls: the guy whos getting shot at

Overwatch: tracer abilities bottom right, also the ult charge under crosshair

Zelda: the theme getting raped in the background

Black ops 3: the specialist sound effect when ow ult is charged

LEGO Mario: The DOOMscape Soulscraft Portalwatch

Elden Ring

Dark Snoys

If you mean what game was used to make this WebM, it's Garry's Mod.


NFTs are scams and living proof we are inching towards a cyberpunk dystopia where every aspect of humanity is commodified and sold on a speculative market

WTF I love NFTs now

All of them

I would sell ALL OF YOU for a stupid ai generated image of a monkey wearing silly clothes. No exceptions. You are all DEAD to me

needs more asset flips


>twitter told me nfts are bad so they are
>also this very very old webm I saw for the first time only yesterday is kinda funny
>t. op

good morning sirs

Crypto bad

>Yeah bro Dark Souls is easy just use the super shotgun to defeat the Abyss Watcher at Peach's Castle entrance to charge your ultimate

Attached: 1586879829910.jpg (1280x720, 100.49K)

Ok scammer


Runescape map was so perfect bros.