Diversity is just code for anti-white

>Diversity is just code for anti-white

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What a cute chimpmunk

>Diversity is our stength

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Kill all chuds.

Lefttards really have nothing going on for them to push this this hard, huh? President is shit. Party is shit. Can't sleep from all the honking. A potentially worthwhile movement got nuked on national television by some unkempt tranny. Sad.

But then who will run the Antiwork subreddit?


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Do you fucks ever get tired of doing this shit?

>Can't sleep from all the honking.
Have Canadians never heard of earplugs?

The Black Panther shit about it being the most diverse movie ever was funny.

Why do right wingers always wear glasses anyways, I thought they had superior genes.

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Americans think the gravest possible insult is to say someone isn't black.

I really am tired of it.
But even I have to admit that the guy looks pretty damn funny.

Is making fun of ugly people the next progressive thing?

what if the world was made of pudding

It's universally funny

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Nothing in the stores cuz the truckers are HOONKING

>Why do right wingers always wear glasses anyways, I thought they had superior genes.

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Based truckers

>Video games?

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>decade and counting
No, not really.

the chin part doesnt make sense since some of those mother fuckers got chins like hammers like god damn

the fuck is that

It's funny because the idea that someone isnt black or white because they have some admixture is something white Americans invented. The one drop rule.

why are so many communists mutant white trash drug addicts who cant be trusted with any kind of work?

>Bullying some retard into shooting up a school
kinda based and epicpilled ngl

Try it. I'm waiting

Making fun of ugly people as a universal thing. About time you arrived in reality, r*ghtoid.

Right wingers are such losers

The retard shooter looked just as funny as well

This kid's face is taking a swim in the uncanny valley, what the fuck is wrong with him?

>t. Bad eye genes whitecel

it's almost like low IQ dorks who are incredibly insecure gravitate towards politics

So the truckers, the symbol of the working class right after farmers, those with no privilege unlike the white karens and privileged nancies crusading against them, are accused of being fascist despite being anti-government, white supremacist despite being the hardest working class which gets shit for pay for all the vitriol they get to be the backbone of an economy, and now Russian puppets because Russia is apparently in charge of the backbone of the Canadian and US economy.
How are Western Leftists this fucking demented and retarded that they set themselves up on the chopping block for the revolution of the working class? Clearly the Left is against the working class.

I'm sorry man, but some of these have to be shopped. There's no way someone looks like some of these people.


California is a wonderful place to live
oh wait

botched circumsicion

Do chuds really lol

what the fuck, did Sminem evolve?

Every kid who became famous because of that shooting looked genuinely dysgenic in one way or another. Just look at David Hogg, he's so wimpy he sucks the masculinity from the air itself around him

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Because they're losers.

Yeah, but then they get divided by the "smart people" into bullied victims and dangerous incels.

It's probably a bot.

Stfu dude, truckers have always been a bunch of degenerate retards.

> why do communists look like communists

>even satan himself would love this thread, it's a goodbye
>so, goodbye! from "Mr. Good Guy", Gene Shalit

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You are right. Except I'm brown and hate far left trannies


Why mutts look like this?

>backbone of the economy and logistics
>physically and psychologically demanding work that a NEET loser socialist like yourself is incapable of doing
When the revolution happens, you will be on the black list loser.

>chudcels look like this

Meme magic truly is real... .