Elden ring thread

Elden ring thread
>you see a mysterious stone structure in the middle of the woods
>you go inside, there is nothing there but an elevator
>you go on the elevator thinking it will just take you to a side dungeon
>the elevator doesn't stop, it keeps going, and going, and going
>finally after what feels like forever, it hits the bottom
>you are in a huge and beautiful crystal cave like area, you look up to what would be the sky if you were above ground, there is a massive meteor like object encompassing everything above you, it is enveloped in aurora borealis like lights
>you walk slowly through the huge cave, following a small river
>suddenly, a name pops up "The Eternal City"

Attached: elri.jpg (2000x1125, 251.93K)

there was also the part where he talked about the limgrave sky temple that requires two keys scattered across the lands to open. exploration chads, we're coming home...


Foiled by a single second

Kinda sounds like the bells of awakening from ds1, can't wait

Hope there will be shit tons of hidden super hard bosses

>gothic architecture
>same models
>same animations
>different foilage
>different world

wow... im feeling sooo pre-order... im pogging up another 60 bucks for teriyaki-san right now

>same models
Show me
>same animations
Reused animations where they make sense + 50x those in new ones (this is how game development works in case you didn't know)

sounds like a whole lotta cope

>blatantly lie
>called out on it
>refuse to elaborate and go right to insults
So predictable

i don't need to post what shazamposters have already pointed out. the skellington doing the same animation/having the same model, the character model being the same, the animations all being the same from ds3

it's just pathetic that people will try to run defense for it instead of admit that it's a shameless reskin

>Skelton has a reused animation
>character model is the same
>the animations are all the same from ds3
Absolutely not

It's obvious you're baiting but if you actually think it's a reskin then I feel bad for you

You're right. This doesn't look like Dark Souls 3 at all.

Attached: 1637711163403.webm (600x336, 1.16M)

No it doesn't, I agree!
The guy playing is dog shit at the game though
+you just showcased like 10 new animations in that short video, well done

>i don't need to post what shazamposters-
Stopped reading right there. You're a niggerfaggot for believing retarded reddit memes, kys

the game still has a decade old bug that ds3 had yet people will unironically try and straight-faced say its not a reskin lol

What i wonder is how high your level is going to be by the end of a full playthrough. Gameinformer dudes mentioned that you're level 40 by the time you reach bloody Godrick and he's the first demigod in the game. At this pace you're going to end up on SL250 by the end of playthrough.
It will be fun to drink metafaggot tears if that's the case.

Attached: 1618791032138.gif (500x333, 910.47K)

So the team can either 1. Make new skeleton animations and new animations for other humanoid enemies or 2. Leverage existing work from previous games, which looked perfectly fine. This then allows them to make new content with the time they saved reusing the animations.

Option 2 is always better.

>Elden ring thread
>more fucking shilling

its the same people every time. i refuse to believe people are this excited for a literal and figurative ds3 remake

Cry more faggot

We also know that there's more than one eternal city thanks to the voice leaks.
Doll sends you into another one at some point.

I've seen all those exact magic casting and rolling animations before, soulstard

I look forward to your tears when it sells fucktons

As above so below. They are called the lands between because they are sandwiched between the sky and the underground

>game is a reskin because it runs on the same engine
I guess sonic boom is a reskin of crysis 3 then. Fucking retard.
Nice samefagging to get out of a losing argument though.
Funny how you lose an argument and 3 people with your opinion suddenly appear out of nowhere kek

i don't care if a bunch of retards buy a regurgitated slop game just like what retards do. i give a fuck because the same people like you who give developers shit, give fromsoftware a pass when they do it

user, Dark Souls is the Mario 64 of tourists. Some grew up with it, it's not hard to imagine how exited they are when the AAA industry is in the garbage bin.